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  1. Lee McWhorter

    Unable to book CAS 004

    Weird, this thread: Has been talking about problems booking online for CASP+ 004. Is there a bigger problem here with that exam? Location? @Stephen Schneiter you know anything?
  2. Lee McWhorter


    Thank you @Brian Ford, I have been trying to think of that one all day! :)
  3. Lee McWhorter

    Unable to book exam using Pearson VUE

    I hear ya brother!
  4. Lee McWhorter

    Unable to book exam using Pearson VUE

    Haha, I can't say I've never failed a cert exam, but it has been a long time... :)
  5. Lee McWhorter


    That's a good one @Patrick Asamago! As I said, there are a ton for OSI. Here's a good list. :) Lee
  6. Lee McWhorter


    The eggs one for troubleshooting steps is a good one. There are actually a number for OSI. One of our students came up with this one: Please (physical) Do (data link) Not (network) Teach (transport) Students (session) Pointless (presentation) Acronyms (application) :D
  7. Lee McWhorter

    Unable to book exam using Pearson VUE

    @NATUNA is right, if you have failed twice recently you have to wait before you can retake again. Also, it might just not be available in your region either period or due to staffing (proctors) availability.
  8. Lee McWhorter

    Instructor 30 day access key

    I think at most one year from issue. Then good for 30 days.
  9. Lee McWhorter


    No, it could just be a scenario given as text in a multiple choice or multiple select question. Not always sims.
  10. Lee McWhorter

    A+ Train-the-Trainer

    You are most welcome!
  11. Lee McWhorter

    A+ Train-the-Trainer

    Wow... once I copied and pasted the link above, it says free trial of Learn and Labs... The newsletter I got it from (via our CompTIA partner account) only mentioned the free Learn... bonus! :)
  12. Lee McWhorter

    A+ Train-the-Trainer

    There is only a Certmaster lab for Core II as the hardware has historically proved too hard to simulate. As a related note, there is a free trial of Certmaster Learn for A+ available here...
  13. Lee McWhorter


    While we can't directly tell students the PBQs they might face, we can tell them the general types. CompTIA only has so many simulations in their library. For Core II there are command line sims, router sims, phone setup sim, etc. etc. So what we do, and I advise folks to do, is get hands on in...
  14. Lee McWhorter

    Can I use Prof.Mark Ciampa videos presented during CIN SY0-501 TTT series in my Security+ class?

    When I taught my first TTT I was specifically asked if I minded my stuff being reused by trainers who took the course and I believe this is still generally the practice. However, I agree with @Rick Butler that in general you should view TTT materials as things you can use to develop your own...
  15. Lee McWhorter

    What about new A+ TTT series?

    I have always wondered why we have to select each session and why On24 doesn't just assume all sessions as a default. Do we really have people who attend only a few sessions? Given no voucher for that, I doubt it. :)
  16. Lee McWhorter

    A+ TTT series

    Yep! :)
  17. Lee McWhorter

    A+ TTT series

    Hmm, I'm not entirely sure. Seems to change behavior after the sessions actually start. Not sure why... @Stephen Schneiter do you have any insights?
  18. Lee McWhorter

    A+ TTT series

    When you first sign up you are supposed to check all the session boxes and then you get emails for each session confirming your signing up. Then later you should get emails letting you know class starts in 2 days, then 2 hours, and another email after the session with the on-demand link.
  19. Lee McWhorter

    A+ 1100 Series Train The Trainer Recording (04/12/2022)

    The on-demand link to the video can be shared after the fact, but I agree with Rick for those interested now. It just started so they can catch up for sure.
  20. Lee McWhorter

    A+ TTT series

    This was the link in the original sign up email for the A+ TTT: Lee