Emmanuel Phakula Mandala
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  • precious
    I once used SSH local forwarding when I needed to access a web application that was only available on a remote server's internal network. By setting up local forwarding, I was able to securely connect my local machine to the remote server’s localhost port and access the application as if it were running on my machine.

    ssh -L 8080:localhost:80 user@remote_server
    Trevor Chandler
    I don't have a comment - I have a question. My question involves step 5, where key pairs are generated. Does this step always take place, even when passwords are used for authenticaton?
    Beautiful question @Trevor Chandler! In step 5, key pairs are generated only for public key authentication. If password authentication is used, key pair generation isn't necessary(step 4). Instead, the server verifies the password, and a session key is still negotiated to encrypt the communication. So, key pairs are used only in public key authentication, not in password-based methods.
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