I have been working on providing AI for students and organizations! It is a very interesting topic and will be very useful for moving data in a faster and more efficient manner.
Hello Stephen. You are the best! You have helped me help many students. I have more requiring Security+ and Cloud+. I have students for the summer who will need to prepare. Thank you again for everything in supporting the CINs.
It has been awhile since I attended our events in the many locations with our CIN friends. ChannelCon in July for learning will be great.. Thank you for posting and I look forward to attending Stephen. I will have good practice to be ready for the upcoming students.
...The webinar was...
Stephen --- New event in July!! I will be attending our 'get together.'
I have students arriving later in the summer. I am looking forward to more new arrivals for Instruction.
Dr. Nancy
The partnership is one of the most valuable networks in technology learning. The CINs are great members and I am fortunate to be able to have the Academic realm to expand needed knowledge with the government and military. I have supported the effort of partnership with a collaboration that...
I am looking forward to our next CIN Event. I hope that everyone interested has signed up for our next adventure in 2023. Thank you Stephen for the early notification!!
Hello everyone! I am preparing projects for Master's students at the university. The Project+ revision was very timely. This is part of their learning.
This is an excellent course and the test would be beneficial for all. I introduced this course to many in order to increase proficiency in cybersecurity
Hello. Stephen is great at looking after the CINs. I received the first A+ voucher but did not receive my second A+ voucher. I am being patient and waiting for delivery! Thank you for all that you do for us Stephen.
Currently,, I have students at the University who are learning about Cloud+ as one of their requirements. At a local college; new technology is addressed and the students are earning their AA degree. The A+ course is on their agenda for their course requirements. The A+ course is excellent and...
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