Recent content by Mike Huisman

  1. Mike Huisman

    N+ Voucher

    @Stephen Schneiter - Have all the vouchers gone out for Network+ and Tech+ from last year? I have the certs from all sessions for both, but haven't received anything yet. I was either at the live sessions, or completed them both within 2-3 days of the last session. Am I out of luck with these two?
  2. Mike Huisman

    N+ VOUCHER :

    Making a last post regarding this. I have the certificates from all of the sessions, but still have not heard anything regarding a voucher.
  3. Mike Huisman

    Network+ voucher

    I was waiting for a reply on a separate thread, but I also have not received the Network+ voucher yet.
  4. Mike Huisman

    N+ VOUCHER :

    @Stephen Schneiter - Sorry to bother you, but from what I am seeing many people have already got the information regarding vouchers for the Network+ TTT. Is that process still ongoing? Since the process started in early September, it feels like I may have been missed. I appreciate that you are...
  5. Mike Huisman

    N+ VOUCHER :

    I understand that vouchers are being sent out in batches, and I understand that Stephen has a lot going on with all of the TTTs lately. I am looking for an update on how that process is going for the Network+ vouchers though, as I still have not received that one.
  6. Mike Huisman

    CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-004

    Yes, it was announced in Cloud+ session 3 that everyone who attended Session 1 will get credit for it, even without the certificate.
  7. Mike Huisman

    CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-004

    I just watched on demand for a second time, still a blank certificate.
  8. Mike Huisman

    CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-004

    When I went to download it, mine was also blank.
  9. Mike Huisman

    Comptia Network+ TTT

    I had a feeling that this set of sessions ought to be coming up soon! I'm glad I checked in! Thanks for the update @Stephen Schneiter !
  10. Mike Huisman

    TTT Roadmap

    Somewhat, it's good to keep looking at fresh topics, but I'm also studying for CCNP - ENCOR, so this is a lot of my fresh material!
  11. Mike Huisman

    TTT Roadmap

    Thanks Rick! I have the Cloud+ already, the next one I'll plan for then is the new Security+ TTT, then the Tech Trainer once we get there!
  12. Mike Huisman

    TTT Roadmap

    I have the Cloud+, Server+, A+, and CCNA. I learned about TTT just at the end of the Security+ sessions. I didn't sit in the Data+ or the last 2(?) because of work. What I teach focuses mainly in Networking (CCNA courses), hardware (A+ level), and Server Operations (Windows Server, Linux, and...
  13. Mike Huisman

    TTT Roadmap

    I know that the TTT Sessions follow the map of which CompTIA certs are being upgraded to new versions, but I've had difficulty figuring out what comes next! I still need to do the exam for Linux+, and I haven't had the time to dive into the last few but am coming into a period where I have more...
  14. Mike Huisman

    Usage of non inclusive language in SK0-005

    I believe the term DMZ has fallen into disuse because of its association with the conflict in Viet Nam in the 1960's-70s. The sensitivity towards any negative connotation is trending away from such associations. (Just my opinion.)
  15. Mike Huisman

    Linux+ TTT resources questions

    I teach classes Monday and Tuesday evenings, so I'm just getting caught up with the series. They usually don't get the resources out until about half-way through though.