You mean there is no date showing? Try to select another center to write exam to see if you can get the dates otherwise :

1. The test center chosen has no available appointment times or is not open. Select a different test center.

2. The exam delivery dates are not available. Check another month.

3. The exam authorization window is not applicable for the month being searched. Check another month.

4. This exam may be available for delivery at your home or office through OnVUE. Consider selecting a different delivery option.

Wait, you say it's a problem with online exams?! Now that is interesting. Online testing should be available always.

Although I did learn that refreshing every ten minutes may get you other testing time windows.

If PearsonVue have zero time windows for online testing, you need to contact their customer support; something might be wrong with your account.
According to Network+, the first troubleshooting step in this situation is to verify whether your network adapter is properly connected to the network cable and that there is a link light present :)

Thank you All for the support. I got it sorted out by contacting their customer service in Uk.
That's great ..