Looking for Linux + Instructor End April- Early May 2025

Virtual sounds interesting, but 5 days is quite short for Linux+.

Pushing for 5 days implies that the students will already have prior experience with Linux and that they are only doing the final cram / preparation for the exam. Is that correct?

Otherwise, I couldn't do L+ in 5 days. I need 4 for just Linux Essentials, which covers about 30% of Linux+.
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Ten full days sounds more achievable.

Can you tell us something about the target demographic? Will these be students who have some prior experience? Because still: Linux+ is a huge curriculum which you cannot expect to teach in full in 70 hours. Cuts will need to be made.

Also, are you expecting the trainer to bring their own slides and content, or will class be taught using your own materials? Will the students be using a book to back up the learning?

Lots of questions to check the feasibility of this project.
I just had an idea: you may want to contact Sander van Vugt and the Living Open Source Foundation.

Sander is a famous author of Linux study books and O'Reilly Online classes. He frequently teaches Linux classes in your neighboring country Zambia.
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I just had an idea: you may want to contact Sander van Vugt and the Living Open Source Foundation.

Sander is a famous author of Linux study books and O'Reilly Online classes. He frequently teaches Linux classes in your neighboring country Zambia.
okay great, thanks thanks
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@Tess Sluijter, Thank you very much for insights, they are a working class in IT, mosty done BSc in IT
That's excellent news, it means they are already familiar with a lot of concepts and terminology, meaning that we can skip the hand-holding introductory parts and move into a higher pace. That means your goals are more likely to be achieved.

Let me know if Living Open Source can help you out. I hope they can!