hellow , how to be partener training center

This is a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem. I thought that CIN was only for trainers from companies whom already are authorized partners? @Stephen Schneiter , how's this work again?
CIN is a global community of instructors, program directors, managers, or basically anyone who is involved in helping students learn the CompTIA content. It's not specific to Authorized partners, as there are plenty of individual trainers, content producers, freelancers and so forth, who are members. Lately, a new requirement is using an email address that is business associated. Not sure how this works for freelancers or individuals (probably something that is worked out with Stephen) since third party emails are getting rejected now (cuts down on fraud).

But it's pretty wide open for membership. If you're involved in some way with delivering technical content to students, exam prep, and so forth, you're eligible for CIN.

Awesome, thanks for clearing that up! I thought I remembered Stephen saying something about CIN needing to be stricter about their admissions and that they only wanted partners... I guess I mis-remembered...

It's all good. CIN did add a bit more control with the business email thing - which I'm completely fine with. I would say it's more about what they DON'T want, such as fraudsters that just want free vouchers.
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