Casp+ Study Resources

Well, not really knowing where you are, your experience, or the like, the best advice I can offer you there is to walk through each objective carefully, going from just knowing about it to being able to explain all the concepts and apply them. I trust that before attempting the CASP+, you've completed the core track and other security certs?
Well, not really knowing where you are, your experience, or the like, the best advice I can offer you there is to walk through each objective carefully, going from just knowing about it to being able to explain all the concepts and apply them. I trust that before attempting the CASP+, you've completed the core track and other security certs?
Hi Rick

yes I Hold CompTIA ITF+ A+ Network+ Security+ Cloud+ Cloud Essentials+ Cysa+ Project+

Your advice is solid I will go with that.

Thanks @Rick Butler