Brandon Royal
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  • Community Goal
    I hope to contribute meaningfully to the CIN by collabs, sharing insights & learning from you all. I’m passionate abt developing prgrms and inits that don't just train but empower individuals to thrive & lead in cyber & look fwd to working alongside each of you to contribute to building a stronger, more inclusive future for the cyber workforce.
    My Passion & Vision (2/2)
    As someone who has benefited and prospered from unique opportunities afforded to me in the past, my mission is to offer these opportunities in abundance to help bridge this gap by offering immersive, practical learning experiences that not only provide technical skills but also foster resilience, leadership, and adaptability -- key values I hold at the core of my teaching philosophy.
    My Passion & Vision (1/2)
    As a CIN member, I'm deeply committed to expanding access to IT and Cyber education, underserviced communities, (E.g., HBCUs); believing access to quality training, mentorship, and certifications can open new career pathways for students who have historically faced barriers in the tech field.
    A Quick Intro (2/2)
    I've had the privilege of working w/ high-profile orgs like ThreatConnect, FedData Systems & Exelon. I'm currently a Technical Director for the NSA & an Adj.Prof @ UMGC. My passion has also led to me starting Cy6er Consultancy LLC where I house a non-profit Cy6erForge Inc. to action my passion projects in incubating cyber talent.
    A Quick Intro (1/2)
    I'm excited to connect w/ this grp of dedicated professionals & share my journey/expertise/passion for teaching and advancing cybersec skills in diverse communities. With15+ YoE in the cyber field (I'm older than I look), I bring a bkgnd in compsci & cyber tech, along with extensive hands-on knowledge in digital network exploitation, threat analysis and adv. incident response.
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