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  1. R

    Question About Timeframe for Part-Time A+ Students

    INHO the key to Core 1 is having a variety of old and new parts. Simply looking at pictures does not provide the touchy-feely needed to understand. A couple of optional sessions to tear apart and rebuild a computer does a lot. I teach high school, and they are good at reading the materials...
  2. R

    IT Acronyms 2021-07-14

    The alphabet soup of IT Acronyms. This is no where near complete.
  3. R

    Free learning resources from the SANS institute

    Bookmarked! Thank you.
  4. R

    Best practice exam to gauge student readiness has a number of practice questions which might help some.
  5. R

    Free learning resources from the SANS institute

    Thanks for the resource. I will use it!