Search results

  1. Michael Stout

    Using dd to duplicate disks

    There isn't a way to run MD5 (or any other hashing algorithm) directly with dd. If you'd like to validate your copy, I'd suggest the following, and visually compare the hashes. $ sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=64K conv=noerror,sync status=progress $ sudo md5sum /dev/sda $ sudo md5sum...
  2. Michael Stout

    nmap default ports scanned

    The default ports scanned are 1000 of the ports Nmap believe to be the most important. The -F scan will scan 100 ports. Other scanning options would be, using -p include $ nmap -p80 $ nmap -p0-1023 $ nmap -p22,23,25,110,3389 $ nmap -p0-65535 or...