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An Opportunity to Direct Curriculum Towards Industry Recognized Certifications

Steve Linthicum

Well-known member
  • Jul 31, 2019
    Oceanside, CA
    Below is a link that relates specifically to a meeting where faculty and industry will be at the table discussing where IT learning content should be directed. I'd encourage both industry and educators to participate in the discussion, as I think it centers on where we are today, and where we will need to be in the future. I will be attending the California session. There is also one in Texas. Travel and lodging reimbursement is available as detailed in the registration form. Please consider attending or spreading the word, particularly to potential key industry representatives.

    IT Skill Standards 2020 and Beyond (https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eghhuyd4038902be&oseq=&c=&ch=)

    P.S. Yes, Stephen, Tazeen, and other CompTIAites. CompTIA should be represented at the discussions.
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    Wow, thanks for sharing, I've shared with some colleagues here.

    My BS has significant portions tied to objective assessments delivered via industry standard examination. I'm a big believer in keeping delivery and assessment firewalled, and I think industry certs are a key component to doing that effectively. Glad to see there are some like minded folks out there.
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