Had a student miss a question today based upon information that does not appear in the SG or slides. It has to do with False Positive being synonymous with False Acceptance Rate. And while the definition (someone's biometric matching with the wrong person and possibly giving them unauthorized access), somewhat lines up, it isn't something they would be able to read and extrapolate. And for False Negative, it means that someone was denied access that should have been given access based upon proper credentials/biometrics, being synonymous with False Rejection Rate. My issue isn't the definitions, it is that this information is not presented to the students in a way that they would get the question correct, since we usually refer to False Positive/Negative in terms of vulnerability analysis and device alerts, and they don't quite line up with the biometrics in terms of their meanings. I added it as an addendum to make sure my students know these definitions now. Maybe I'm totally wrong though. I defer to the esteemed consensus of my fellow instructors.
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