• We will be shutting down for a brief period of time on 9/24 at around 8 AM CST to perform necessary software updates and maintenance; please plan accordingly!

PK0-005 training material focus groups

Anyone who works with Project+ training materials is welcome to join us in reviewing the PK0-005 outline, and see some of the new features we're adding to the course.

CompTIA Learning is currently developing the next version of the Project+ training course to align with the release of the upcoming PK0-005 exam. I would love to get your feedback on our proposed course outline and timetable. We are holding round table discussions about the proposed course outline and other changes we are planning on implementing to the Project+ course. We’re interested to hear directly from instructors in the classroom, as well as other decision makers, about the new course.

We have the following 1-hour timeslots available:

Academic partners
  • Monday, April 4th - 3:00pm US Central (UTC -5:00)
  • Wednesday, April 6th - 10:00am US Central (UTC -5:00)
  • Thursday, April 7th - 2:00pm US Central (UTC -5:00)
Corporate and Delivery partners
  • Tuesday, April 5th - 1:00pm US Central (UTC -5:00)
  • Thursday, April 7th - 2:00pm US Central (UTC -5:00)
If none of these times are suitable, we would be happy to make other arrangements.

Please feel free to sign up for a time at this Smart Sheet: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/e0e967f7f32646e68e0d4b57e327d0a0 or email Katherine Keyes directly at [email protected] . A member of the Learning team will provide attendees with instructions for joining the call as well as the draft course outline.

Let me know if you have any questions, thank you.

Rick Butler

Well-known member
  • Aug 8, 2019
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Anyone who works with Project+ training materials is welcome to join us in reviewing the PK0-005 outline, and see some of the new features we're adding to the course.

    CompTIA Learning is currently developing the next version of the Project+ training course to align with the release of the upcoming PK0-005 exam. I would love to get your feedback on our proposed course outline and timetable. We are holding round table discussions about the proposed course outline and other changes we are planning on implementing to the Project+ course. We’re interested to hear directly from instructors in the classroom, as well as other decision makers, about the new course.

    We have the following 1-hour timeslots available:

    Academic partners
    • Monday, April 4th - 3:00pm US Central (UTC -5:00)
    • Wednesday, April 6th - 10:00am US Central (UTC -5:00)
    • Thursday, April 7th - 2:00pm US Central (UTC -5:00)
    Corporate and Delivery partners
    • Tuesday, April 5th - 1:00pm US Central (UTC -5:00)
    • Thursday, April 7th - 2:00pm US Central (UTC -5:00)
    If none of these times are suitable, we would be happy to make other arrangements.

    Please feel free to sign up for a time at this Smart Sheet: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/e0e967f7f32646e68e0d4b57e327d0a0 or email Katherine Keyes directly at [email protected] . A member of the Learning team will provide attendees with instructions for joining the call as well as the draft course outline.

    Let me know if you have any questions, thank you.
    I'll see if I can make it. Working on the P+ beta, presently...


    Well-known member
    Jan 18, 2022
    Qualquer pessoa que trabalhe com materiais de treinamento do Project+ é bem-vinda para se juntar a nós na revisão do esboço PK0-005 e ver alguns dos novos recursos que estamos adicionando ao curso.

    A CompTIA Learning está atualmente desenvolvendo a próxima versão do curso de treinamento Project+ para alinhar com o lançamento do próximo exame PK0-005. Eu adoraria receber seus comentários sobre o esboço e o cronograma do curso proposto. Estamos realizando mesas redondas sobre o esboço do curso proposto e outras mudanças que estamos planejando implementar no curso Project+. Estamos interessados em ouvir diretamente os instrutores em sala de aula, bem como outros tomadores de decisão, sobre o novo curso.

    Temos os seguintes horários de 1 hora disponíveis:

    Parceiros acadêmicos
    • Segunda-feira, 4 de abril - 15:00 US Central (UTC -5:00)
    • Quarta-feira, 6 de abril - 10h00 US Central (UTC -5:00)
    • Quinta-feira, 7 de abril - 14:00 US Central (UTC -5:00)
    Parceiros corporativos e de entrega
    • Terça-feira, 5 de abril - 13:00 US Central (UTC -5:00)
    • Quinta-feira, 7 de abril - 14:00 US Central (UTC -5:00)
    Se nenhum desses horários for adequado, ficaremos felizes em fazer outros arranjos.

    Sinta-se à vontade para se inscrever por um tempo neste Smart Sheet: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/e0e967f7f32646e68e0d4b57e327d0a0 ou envie um e-mail para Katherine Keyes diretamente em [email protected] . Um membro da equipe de Aprendizado fornecerá aos participantes instruções para participar da chamada, bem como o esboço do curso.

    Deixe-me saber se você tiver alguma dúvida, obrigado.