Kristin Pelletier

Licensed with the Commission for Independent Education as a Post-Secondary Educational Institution with the state of Florida and a Certified Woman Owned Business, Kristin Pelletier is a Microsoft Office Certified Specialist and Trainer working with the local business community, local government agencies and individuals.
✔We have a solid client base consisting of corporate clients, individuals, schools and local government.
✔Access Computer Training offers group classes on site as well as off site.
✔We can customize training for you and your employees and can offer one on
one tutoring, remote training and live and recorded webinars as well.
✔Public group classes. private custom classes, in home or in office workshops, and special projects are
offered for all ages and skill levels.
✔Check out our website to view a list of classes, detailed descriptions of each class, pricing and schedule
?We offer training in all Microsoft Office programs as well as:
? QuickBooks
?Windows 10
?File Management
?‍♂️ GSuite for Education
?‍♀️ GSuite for Business
? Teams
? Access
? OneNote
☁ OneDrive
?Admin panel training for both Microsoft 365 and GSuite

Don't forget to ask about the success stories of our students who have gone on to a successful career thanks to the training and professional development they have received from ACT. We've help over 100 students on their path to success and we can help you too!

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April 27
Tampa FL






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