This is pretty much the exact same story I had. I was working for CSC and taking the MCSE NT4 track in 1997-1998 and completed exam six (Exchange 5.5) in an adaptive format which took me 16 minutes to finish. I was so happy. Got back to the office, only to have one shlub tell me, "yah, but you don't have A+!".
"Wow...really?", looking at his very smug disposition. "Fine, Ace. Next Friday, I'll correct that little 'oversight'."
So, I did. Two exams, back to back with zero prep that week. Passed 'em both and boss walked back into the shop, with my six MCSE passes in one hand, my A+ in the other.
" don't have even ONE Microsoft exam, do you? Oh, hey look, the A+, both tests, and all eight of these were passes on the first try, even. Whatchugot...Ace?"
Walked out to with this track in my head:
I've gotten a bit more humble since then. I encourage more than dis people now. Microsoft is a different world for sure. And like the techie sado-masochist I am, I took the TCP/IP exam first... I was a savage in those days. I went on to do the additional three to get the MCSE+I extension. The Win2000 upgrade exam, tho, humbled me - it was my first and only loss. Since that time, I never underestimated an exam again - and as such, have never failed another one (knock on wood).