how to get network+ v9 license to practice labs ?

I am independent Trainer.

How can I get a license to practice the network+ v9 labs?

My training partners let us use a shared account but sometimes it is in use.

As a Comptia trainer, would be helpful to have a lab license

Initially got a license durign the v9 TTT, but it expired. :(

David Papkin
Buy another Network v9 lab license
Instructors do not get free CertMaster resources directly from CompTIA. You would have to get it through a CompTIA partner.
Hi Greg,

I have it sorted

David Papkin
Instructors do not get free CertMaster resources directly from CompTIA. You would have to get it through a CompTIA partner.

You only get it from CompTIA partner!!!

Instructors do not get free CertMaster resources directly from CompTIA. You would have to get it through a CompTIA partner.

I have it sorted

David Papkin