A+ Classroom Length

J Siergiej

  • Jul 27, 2022
    From your experience what is a good timeframe/schedule to teach the A+ Core 1 & 2 Objectives. Do you separate 1 & 2 into different classes? How long do you give for each? 4 weeks? How many hours per day?

    We will soon be teaching these courses at a Junior college and want to also build them into credit courses where they would get an Associates degree and leave with an A+ cert if desired. I visualize Core 1 being a 3 credit course and 2 being another. I think the traditional 16 weeks of most college courses is too long and students are likely to forget something from almost 4 months prior. What types of schedules do you use?

    Does anyone currently do something like this? Any insight is most appreciated.


    With 116 community colleges here in California, we have strived to find some sort of consistency and as faculty settled upon a standard approach where the class is generally taught as a 4-credit hour course, either in an 8-week or 16-week format. The course descriptor can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

    More often than not it is being taught in a 16-week format, with 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week.
    From your experience what is a good timeframe/schedule to teach the A+ Core 1 & 2 Objectives. Do you separate 1 & 2 into different classes? How long do you give for each? 4 weeks? How many hours per day?

    We will soon be teaching these courses at a Junior college and want to also build them into credit courses where they would get an Associates degree and leave with an A+ cert if desired. I visualize Core 1 being a 3 credit course and 2 being another. I think the traditional 16 weeks of most college courses is too long and students are likely to forget something from almost 4 months prior. What types of schedules do you use?

    Does anyone currently do something like this? Any insight is most appreciated.


    hi J,

    I usually go for 3 days per week, where each session is of 3 hours. I manage to finish off the content in 6-8 weeks. During this period students also get an opportunity to do the required practicals as well.
    From your experience what is a good timeframe/schedule to teach the A+ Core 1 & 2 Objectives. Do you separate 1 & 2 into different classes? How long do you give for each? 4 weeks? How many hours per day?

    We will soon be teaching these courses at a Junior college and want to also build them into credit courses where they would get an Associates degree and leave with an A+ cert if desired. I visualize Core 1 being a 3 credit course and 2 being another. I think the traditional 16 weeks of most college courses is too long and students are likely to forget something from almost 4 months prior. What types of schedules do you use?

    Does anyone currently do something like this? Any insight is most appreciated.


    In my classes, 2 Hours a day and 4 Days a week, lab time of 2 Hours a week. The course duration of 3 to 3.5 months. In some classes, it takes 4 months for that classroom of peak discussion and Q & A. I teach core 1 and core 2 together.

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    From your experience what is a good timeframe/schedule to teach the A+ Core 1 & 2 Objectives. Do you separate 1 & 2 into different classes? How long do you give for each? 4 weeks? How many hours per day?
    At my school, we teach Core 1 and Core 2 separately, taking six weeks for each course. Each course is 120 hours total, or 20 hours per week. On average, we end up seeing a student reach 50% preparation for a cert exam - better if they do their homework and work with diligence.

    Our classes, with ITF+, A+, Net+, Sec+, Server+, Linux+, and Cloud+ with some Applied General Education lead our students to an Associates of Occupational Studies in Computer Technology. It's a pretty simple track, really.

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    The duration given for corporate class is 5 days for Core 1 and 2. It seems they have working experience.

    I told them you can be the CISO, you never study properly the course you will fail the exam.

    5 days for Core 1 and 5 days for Core 2.
    For experience hand on technical corporate students can be done.

    Not both 5 days.
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    Reactions: Fanuel
    The duration given for corporate class is 5 days for Core 1 and 2. It seems they have working experience.

    I told them you can be the CISO, you never study properly the course you will fail the exam.

    5 days for Core 1 and 5 days for Core 2.
    For experience hand on technical corporate students can be done.

    Not both 5 days.
    Thanks. That sounds like a full 5 days then? 8hrs each day? Makes it easier if the students are already technically. Our students mostly will not be.
    I teach A+ for 11th grade an A/B day schedule, so I see them every other day. It's 90 days total stretched across a 180 day school year. Each class is 4 hours (including 30 minute lunch). It's generally broken down to 1-1.5hr lecture and 2hr-2.5hr of activities total. I separate A+ into two courses: 1st semester is Core 1 and 2nd Semester is Core 2. It's better to split them up to help students better recall content instead of slamming them with two exams at once. It's a public school so I work with a lot of hurdles and classes aren't exactly based on merit. I average a 10% certification rate for each A+ class. It's a little higher if you count those that pass one but not the other but end up not retaking to get fully certified.