A+ Instructor Needed for Online Class

Steve Linthicum

Well-known member
  • Jul 31, 2019
    Oceanside, CA
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    I did not get past step 1 in their interview process. Even though I started training Excel, WordPerfect and Word in the early 1990s, the criteria must be too strict for someone with 30 years’ experience. What does someone have to do to advance in their interview process?
    Odd...what happened?
    I did not get past step 1 in their interview process. Even though I started training Excel, WordPerfect and Word in the early 1990s, the criteria must be too strict for someone with 30 years’ experience. What does someone have to do to advance in their interview process?
    I saw this same posting on higheredjobs.com but it lists there that you must be a California resident. So that would DQ a lot of folks.