I often encounter groups, situations, and efforts to condense A+, Net+, and Sec+ into so tight a time frame that the only way to achieve it is to
call The Operator and request the program download from within The Matrix. Either candidates need their cert yesterday, in order to retain or get a job, or they want to sell super-duper fast-track cert programs, to get to that ROI faster and faster.
The problem here is that, in the realm of human learning, there are physical, neurological changes occurring that must occur for humans to learn anything. This is akin to planting a tree from seed and expect that we can accelerate the growth process, while at the same time, be able to also to shape that tree to what we want it to be.
In short, it takes time and sadly, a lot of organizations (or students) don't want to invest the time in it.
The one other component that is disregarded is assimilating the knowledge, akin to how the body digests food. Humans need time for the brain to form those pathways - to meditate and review the information, incorporating it into all the other knowledge and wisdom contained in the brain. In fact, it takes about 7-13 exposures to the same bit of data in different learning styles (auditory, visual, kinesthetic), to bring new information to long term storage.
My college pushes these with 120 contact hours, not including the outside work and individual study to actually learn the material. Reasonably, we've seen, at best, about 15-20% success for a candidate to actually test after that. I think, maybe 160 contact hours per course and one has a reasonable chance of starting fresh and passing the test.
All that to say, "Rome was not built in a day."