CIN at CompTIA Partner Summit 2019

Stephen Schneiter

Staff member
  • Nov 26, 2018
    Knoxville, TN
    CompTIA Partner Summit 2019 is in the books! It was a busy week for CIN. CIN sponsored the Instructor Day sessions on the first day, August 6th with really good sessions covering the Big 3 certs as well as, CySA+, PenTest+, Cloud+ and Linux+. The new CIN platform was launched and announced on Wednesday, August 7th. The CIN Booth was busy the rest of the time with folks interested in the platform and asking questions about the community. We are growing!

    Were you there? Share your experience and/or pictures with the group.

    From these pics and otehrs I've seen, looks like you all put on another first-rate event. Congrats to @stephen-schneiter.4, @taz.3, and @lee-mcwhorter.10! My military and gov't service has taken me all over the world. Oddly, for a dumb ol' farm boy from Oregon I've not set foot in the State of Idaho, nor have I ever visited Las Vegas. Maybe 2020 is my year?!
    From these pics and otehrs I've seen, looks like you all put on another first-rate event. Congrats to @stephen-schneiter.4, @taz.3, and @lee-mcwhorter.10! My military and gov't service has taken me all over the world. Oddly, for a dumb ol' farm boy from Oregon I've not set foot in the State of Idaho, nor have I ever visited Las Vegas. Maybe 2020 is my year?!
    John, it was a great event and great feedback from instructors! If you can find time to attend I highly recommend. I have not heard where next year's event will take place. It should be announced fairly soon I believe.
    One of the best parts of Partner Summit was the pre-conference Instructor Day sessions. I hope you were able to participate in one of these session delivered by a great group of folks. Whenever you get instructors talking to instructors you have great conversations. The Instructor Day sessions are geared to provide various perspectives for engaging students in the classroom as they prepare for certification. Whether demoing a tool set, reviewing labs or just how the instructor covers exam objectives, the sessions always provide information participants can take back and try in their training environments.

    This year's sessions were spot on. This group of instructors were at the top of their game sharing resources with the participants, reviewing tools used in cybersecurity, tips-and-tricks for student engagement, reviewing off-the-shelf labs and custom built-it-yourself labs. Pictured below are this year's session instructors:
    @Nick Lane - CySA+ and Cloud+
    @Anthony Sequeira - Security+
    Jill West - A+
    @Walt Jaqua - Network+
    @Lee McWhorter - PenTest+ and Linux+

    Do you have a favorite session from Partner Summit? Share your experience and or photos. We would like your feedback

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    Well, I can only speak for the Network+ session. But I can say that what made these sessions great was the amazing amount of interaction and engagement of the participants. The discussions invoked by the participants in both the AM and PM were interesting and informative for everyone involved. Each session took a different direction but the direction was driven by the group.

    I heard positive comments for all the sessions and wished I could have been in each of them! Great job everyone.