CIN The Pulse - Moving the Classroom Virtual

Stephen Schneiter

Staff member
  • Nov 26, 2018
    Knoxville, TN
    Today many of us find ourselves moving from our comfortable classroom instruction to teaching online. This could be a challenge on many fronts and you may have questions about how to proceed, what tools to use, and tactics to engage students.

    We have assembled a webinar panel of instructors, @Stephen P, @Lee McWhorter and Jason Eckert, who teach classroom-based instruction and as well as virtual courses. They will share with you tips and tricks for moving beyond the classroom with their students, and lessons learned along the way.

    We will also take questions from the audience and provide answers and support for teachers trying to get classes up and running with little prep time.
    Please join us for this informative webinar.

    To find out more information and register, please visit,

    We hope to see you Thursday!