• We will be shutting down for a brief period of time on 9/24 at around 8 AM CST to perform necessary software updates and maintenance; please plan accordingly!

DataX Concepts/DataX Exam Objectives

Trevor Chandler

Well-known member
Jul 4, 2020
There is a TTT session currently underway, that is being masterfully delivered RJ!!!

In the list of exams objectives below, which do you recall being discussed thus far?
Of course, you can only respond to this if you've been in attendance for the first five

• t-tests
• Chi-squared test
• Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
• Hypothesis testing
• Confidence intervals
• Regression performance metrics
- R2
- Adjusted R2
- Root mean square error (RMSE)
- F statistic
• Gini index
• Entropy
• Information gain
• p value
• Type I and Type II errors
• Receiver operating characteristic/
area under the curve (ROC/AUC)
• Akaike information criterion/
Bayesian information criterion
• Correlation coefficients
- Pearson correlation
- Spearman correlation
• Confusion matrix
- Classifier performance metrics
o Accuracy
o Recall
o Precision
o F1 score
o Matthews Correlation
Coefficient (MCC)
• Central limit theorem
• Law of large numbers