Exam Proctoring

I just took Tech+ as I got my voucher from the TTT. I may want to partner with some high schools and offer that. Being far from everything and with the student population at BYU-Hawaii, testing centers are inaccessible. Like most higher education institutions, our testing center closed. I am encouraging more students to certify and running into issues. I am looking at what options exist? I have done training, where the last day was when I, as a student, took the proctored certification exam (RedHat is an example). I guess you are saying that is not the CompTIA way.

I'm just trying to understand my options. I have loaned out a laptop more than a few times, and I now see that is not allowed. Maybe it never was, and I just missed it even though it is in all caps.

Exclusion of OnVUE Exams at Training Centers

OnVUE remote proctoring is not intended for cohort-based exam delivery or for use by training centers to administer high-stakes certification exams. Consequently, the repeated use of a specific laptop or workstation from a training center is strictly prohibited. CANDIDATES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO REUSE THE SAME LAPTOP OR WORKSTATION THAT WAS ALREADY USED BY OTHER TESTING CANDIDATES. Candidates who are discovered sharing the same device for multiple CompTIA exam attempts may face revocation of their exam scores and a potential suspension period.
Anyway, I'm wondering about options. I would like to push the trifecta and other certifications with my students, but not having a testing center that is accessible is a major issue. One of the problems with living in a rural paradise. Lookin for options. I do no teach many of the courses, but would be willing to proctor for other classes.

I guess what I am asking if we wanted to offer tests would we need to be a PearsonVue testing center https://www.pearsonvue.com/us/en/test-centers/become-a-test-center.html
Hum, found the policy :(

CompTIA certificate holders who wish to become a test center administrator must wait a minimum of six (6) months following the most recent CompTIA exam before becoming a test center administrator.
Current test center administrators who wish to take a CompTIA exam must first resign from the test center administrator position and wait a minimum of six (6) months before registering to take CompTIA exams.

That makes sense. I'm just wondering how to solve my situation.
That makes sense. I'm just wondering how to solve my situation.

You setup a new PearsonVue test center location in collaboration with other interested parties. But, as you already understand, that requires quite the financial investment and comes with a lot of responsibilities.

I would like to push the trifecta and other certifications with my students
My question would be "why"? Why are you wanting to push a commercial certification from a party you are not related to unto students? Have you verified that "the trifecta and other certifications" will actually offer resumé value in their region?
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My question would be "why"? Why are you wanting to push a commercial certification from a party you are not related to unto students? Have you verified that "the trifecta and other certifications" will actually offer resumé value in their region?
This is a great question. My students are from all around the world, and a degree from the USA is no always considered sufficient. Professional certifications seem to help bridge that gap for many of them.

Mostly, I ask the students what they want to do. Have them look for jobs and find what certifications are needed, if any. This is harder in some parts of the world where job openings may not be posted publicly.

I use DOD 8140 as a guide as well https://public.cyber.mil/wid/dod8140/. I walk students through finding the jobs they may want and see what certifications my align - . The trifecta is not really helpful for most jobs, but a stepping stool to the correct certification.

I may be wrong, but I am just someone who likes to listen to Clouseau when I am grading :)
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