next TTT?

The Linux+ TTT wraps up next Tuesday with session 10. You could still sign up and catch up on-demand (see link below). As Rick mentioned, the next one up is Project+ TTT. The dates have not been announced yet, but look for a post on the CIN forums when it is.

Lastly, the A+ Core I vouchers are out, but the Core II ones are still being processed. You should see it soon.


Rae W

Active member
  • Jan 20, 2022
    Columbus, Ohio, USA
    The Linux+ TTT wraps up next Tuesday with session 10. You could still sign up and catch up on-demand (see link below). As Rick mentioned, the next one up is Project+ TTT. The dates have not been announced yet, but look for a post on the CIN forums when it is.

    Lastly, the A+ Core I vouchers are out, but the Core II ones are still being processed. You should see it soon.

    Whoa! I had no idea that the Linux+ TTT was even happening! **runs to sign up and catch up**


    Nov 15, 2019
    Davenport, IA
    Hi Dr. Dwight:

    So the next one on the docket is Project+ 005. Yours Truly be doing the Sneak Peak and probably the TTT as well. Hope to see you there!

    Looking forward to the Project+ TTT sessions! That was one of the driving reasons for me to get connected to this group - lots of great info gleaned already from Data+ and A+!
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    Rick Butler

    Well-known member
  • Aug 8, 2019
    Colorado Springs, CO
    What? No Linux+? :)
    C'mon, don't feel bad, Lee. You're still top notch in my book. Some folks aren't just versed in the ways of the Penguin. I'm not - yet.

    But I did get that Ubuntu box to finally log into the network. Turns out, for some reason that I've not understood, I had to have the machine on the local subnet of a Domain Controller to get it to log in. It wouldn't work, traversing the WAN, even though the DC would fully resolve, to include the SRV records and MSDCS zones. I've had Windows machines be able to authenticate initially across the WAN, so there's something in my set up that was not allowing that to happen. A very odd problem.
    C'mon, don't feel bad, Lee. You're still top notch in my book. Some folks aren't just versed in the ways of the Penguin. I'm not - yet.

    But I did get that Ubuntu box to finally log into the network. Turns out, for some reason that I've not understood, I had to have the machine on the local subnet of a Domain Controller to get it to log in. It wouldn't work, traversing the WAN, even though the DC would fully resolve, to include the SRV records and MSDCS zones. I've had Windows machines be able to authenticate initially across the WAN, so there's something in my set up that was not allowing that to happen. A very odd problem.
    Everyone should be versed in the ways of the Penguin. Linux for the win! :p

    Michael Schmitz

    Well-known member
  • Aug 9, 2021
    The Linux+ TTT wraps up next Tuesday with session 10. You could still sign up and catch up on-demand (see link below). As Rick mentioned, the next one up is Project+ TTT. The dates have not been announced yet, but look for a post on the CIN forums when it is.

    Lastly, the A+ Core I vouchers are out, but the Core II ones are still being processed. You should see it soon.

    Thanks for the Link. Will Catch up. Maybe not enough to get the Access Code, but for the Exam.
    Checked my Mail, i have only recieved the Sneak Peak Link, but not the TTT Invitation.
    Need to check for the new Project TTT.
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    Reactions: Lee McWhorter

    Rick Butler

    Well-known member
  • Aug 8, 2019
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Everyone should be versed in the ways of the Penguin. Linux for the win! :p
    I would agree - except as far as Linux as evolved, it's still a trick to get Office 365 (without some massive work around) and Steam games (without huge amounts of emulation). I even tried installing Ubuntu 22 and couldn't natively log into my MS365 work account - not sure why that was, but then, I've not gotten that deep with it.

    It's these little challenges that keep Linux slightly out of reach from the common folk.

    I know, but i was wondering, why i did not recieve an Invitation to this TTT....
    You probably did, but did you check your spam folder? I had an issue a number of years back where some CompTIA bulk stuff was listed in the dnsblacklist so I missed some things like that.
    I would agree - except as far as Linux as evolved, it's still a trick to get Office 365 (without some massive work around) and Steam games (without huge amounts of emulation). I even tried installing Ubuntu 22 and couldn't natively log into my MS365 work account - not sure why that was, but then, I've not gotten that deep with it.

    It's these little challenges that keep Linux slightly out of reach from the common folk.

    I'm not saying everyone needs to switch to Linux full time, heck even I don't. But everyone needs to know Linux imho. :) But then again, I'm probably just being a bit Penguin biassed. 🐧