Hey Liz, I'm impressed. A VP reading our post. Cool. First of all, Server+ is one of the only Vendor-Neutral Server Exam that actually is praised by the IT Server community. Take a moment to google Server+ and you will be amazed by the countless praises on multiple platforms. The only company that doesn't praise Server+ is CompTIA. Now to give credit, your team is great at marketing. A great example of this is Security+. Your team partnered with security vendors, experts, professionals, universities, instructors, and recruiters to promote countless seminars, videos, blog posts, social media campaigns, and events. The best I have seen!! Now all you have to do is wash, rinse, and repeat for Server+. The industry already sings Server+ praises, now it's time for your team to do the same. That's the confusion, the industry loves Server+ more than CompTIA does. To be honest with you, Rick Bulter has done more to promote Server+ than CompTIA has. (ok sorry I'll step down from my soapbox now)