Sierra College - Ransomware Attack

Prior to "retiring" and moving to SoCal, I served in a full-time faculty role at Sierra College for 18 years teaching IT, cybersecurity and law related courses. During my tenure, I spent time strongly suggesting that the College's IT Department staff should be taking courses and obtaining certifications in order to keep their knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs in education speak) up to date. That never happened. Needless to say, I'm not at all surprised by the Sierra College - Ransomware news, hitting the College during finals week.

A comment quoted below from one of my former faculty colleagues on the faculty FaceBook site pretty much sums up my forecast:

"We were just talking about you yesterday saying, 'Steve said something like this would happen...'"

About 5 years ago, on behalf of the College, I prepared and submitted the paperwork associated with the College obtaining the DHS/NSA "Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense" (CAE2Y) designation. We did not achieve the designation because of my honest assessment of the College's cybersecurity policies and procedures. Last year, through a reapplication process, it did receive the designation. This of course has me questioning the value of this DHS/NSA designation.

This of course has me questioning the value of this DHS/NSA designation.

Well, not saying that this is what happened at Sierra, but anyone can fudge an assessment and "hide the bodies" if they are smart enough and want the designation bad enough, methinks.

Of potential interest is the Report issued by the California Cybersecurity Integration Center (a California Office of Emergency Services department). The list of recommended mitigation steps is useful in identifying steps potential ransomware targets (just about any entity) should take. Enjoy Amigos.......