CIN Linkedin Group

Thank you, Gregory and Stuart! I am glad to be part of the CIN network. It is really awesome to see all the instructors together. Especially, I see that most of the instructors are eager to share knowledge and experience with other instructors.

I understood. I will continue to use this platform if anything is needed as a primary source.

In the meanwhile, it would not hurt to get approval for joining the Linkedin group:) So, if any of the group admins see this, please proceed with the approval and let me know if there is a need to increase activity there or provide additional support for group management.


Stephen Schneiter

Staff member
  • Nov 26, 2018
    Knoxville, TN

    Happy 2023, all!

    I saw a Linkedin group of the CIN and sent a request to join. Unfortunately, it is not approved. Waiting for approval for about a month.

    Is there anyone who can help to get the approval to join the group?


    Hello @Vusal Salmanli, @Stuart and @Greg Childers are correct, the LinkedIn group is really not active. History lesson here, CIN first started out as the LinkedIn group you uncovered. We soon grew to a point where we moved to this platform and have grown. I am glad you are here and hopefully find our community helpful.