Overall, it has to have been one of the most challenging certs I've taken to date. I am looking forward to PenTest+ and eventually, CASP+, along with the other certs in the Irongeek. Took the 001, though, since that's the one on which I've been working for ever.
So, I think I've earned my glass of mead this evening. But many thanks to all in CIN and the countless others that stood by my constant prattling over "getting that damned test done", and the eyerolls of "we've heard that before". And I heard that 002 is even more fun. Will have to try it sometime, after I finish up the pile of other certs I need to finish.
Meanwhile, I walk out of the testing room, pick up my cell phone, and the world's on fire, because the outfit that runs our DNS host had a catastrophic failure - so the company's e-mail and external web site is down. Day after day, everything is dead quiet, but today, a Friday, when it would be more quiet (one would think), the world is blowing up outside while I'm melting my brain in the test room. My junior partner even drove to my house, because only my VP knew I was taking a test that day. How the heck does this kind of thing happen? I'll be remembering this story.
Well, that's my Friday, as I sit here, waiting for our DNS host to fix their server and get back up. But I had to jump on here and do a virtual celebration dance. This one was hard fought.
Have a great weekend, everybody!