That wouldn't be likely, since the capital went into the non-profit organization, which no longer owns the training and certification products.
I'm pretty sure that the acquisition of the training arm of CompTIA would also have the benefit of additional funding. While the capital went one way, I'm sure that doesn't preclude any additional funding for training and certs.
A concern though is that if there is MORE funding available now to buttress CertMaster and CompTIA's training, that will make it tougher for the other content producers, either independent or affiliated with a publisher to compete. I heard this complaint during Summit from a few of them that I spoke with - that earned their living on making content, only now feeling like they are in full on competition with CompTIA now. I personally don't have a dog in that fight - as I am part of a college, so we just consume the products which make sense for our school. But I'm not ignorant to that dynamic, for sure, as I believe that good competition creates better training products.
CompTIA has had to keep training up with the 3 year certification cycle and with the incorporation of LabSIM, I'm sure the costs of doing that part of business, as well as overall headcount, have gone up considerably. Having the funding will allow that to happen without running into funding shortfalls.
But I think our concerns overall will be to the neutrality that CompTIA has always had. I do not know what other entities that HIG/TB owns. But the concern that we seem to have is with certifications, for example, drifting towards one company or another - one entity or another, rather than remaining in the middle, folks will begin to lose confidence in those certifications. I prefer to believe that this would not be in HIG/TB or CompTIA's interests, so I am refraining from any cynicism on the matter.
We're all also speculating based on the content of a press release and missives received through our BDM's - so I'm pretty sure we don't have ALL the information yet. The same thing happened in the community with the TestOut acquisition. So, I would probably suggest we all continue to share thoughts and experiences as we learn them - but look at the positive benefits and opportunities that we all have as educators, content developers, and other interested parties.
With change comes opportunity. Just my 2 cents.