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I wonder, if anybody posting here, reads previous Posts?
Best and fastest Way is to send Stephen an Email or Private Conversation Message.
I assume better then ask in a Posting..

i believe Stephen will check first his Emails before looking into CIN.

So, why does everybody post soething PErsonal (Voucher not recieved) in a Forum and requests an Answer.
And it is known, that sending out the Vouchers take some time, esp, if Email Adresses do not match, 1 or 2 Sessions may not been tracked to have been viewed. There is an internal process for Stephen to follow, has he posted sometime ago.
These are know problems since years, but still the CIN Members behave like Stephen has nothing else to do, except sending out the Voucher..
And we have holiday season, most will be back to work on
Most People are Member of CIN to get just the free Vouchers, someone could believe....

If you need the Exam fast, take the Beta (available before the TTT mostly) for usually highly discounted prices).

Just wondering...

Just my 2c again.
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It's pointless to post here about not having received your Security+ vouchers. I (and several others) still have not received vouchers from the previous TTT on DataSys+, and this is after I emailed Stephen directly, and had him respond to apologize for the inconvenience and offer his assurances that he was looking into it. This was more than a month ago. He's just clearly very busy.
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It's pointless to post here about not having received your Security+ vouchers. I (and several others) still have not received vouchers from the previous TTT on DataSys+, and this is after I emailed Stephen directly, and had him respond to apologize for the inconvenience and offer his assurances that he was looking into it. This was more than a month ago. He's just clearly very busy.
That is very true..
Also, did i occur to some, that maybe, for whatever reasons Stephens Data do indicate, that you have not watched all Recordings before Deadline?
Usually you do not get informed if there are Problems. So you may ask him directly.
But there are upcoming Events that may need his attention now, and to check his mails comes next. And after this much of time i would assume, that the Datasys+ TTT is closed for him.

@Stephen Schneiter

I still haven't received mine yet
I case pervious Postings have not been read, here is my suggestion:

So, why does everybody post something Personal (Voucher not recieved) in a Forum and requests an Answer?
And it is known, that sending out the Vouchers take some time, esp, if Email Adresses do not match, 1 or 2 Sessions may not been tracked to have been viewed. There is an internal process for Stephen to follow, has he posted sometime ago.
These are know problems since years, but still the CIN Members behave like Stephen has nothing else to do, except sending out the Voucher..
And we have holiday season, most will be back to work on
Most People are Member of CIN to get just the free Vouchers, someone could believe....

If you need the Exam fast, take the Beta (available before the TTT mostly) for usually highly discounted prices).

Just wondering, again...
Edit: Also you may have not fullfillet the requirements before Deadline, so you do not fall in the Category to recieve the free Voucher..

Just my 2c again.
Why ask here, again?
Sure you did fullfill the Requirements?

Hello @Michael Schmitz,

Yes, I'm sure I met the requirements. I understand your question because you assumed that I didn't read your previous answer. So why did I write? Maybe to demonstrate to those who have met the requirements and have not yet received the voucher is not a unique situation.

I understand that the way I wrote was not the best.
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