Passed Comptia Security + 701

Wezzie Lukhere

Active member
Jun 26, 2023
I passed SY0 - 701 with 780 /750 this morning

My story:
Last year I initially had registered to go for SY0 601 and was studying material related to this, then this year come early February resorted to 701, going through the last year 701 TTT resources. I changed from 601 to 701 because of the discussions within this forum, for the need to be 701 certified to teach 701 students. used CERT MASTER Learning, and practice questions

I thank you all for the discussions and support including Peter Hanwith-horden (My SY0 601 trainer, etc)

This is My first Certification, apart from my academic qualifications like MSc in Computer Security and Forensics (Distinction)- UK, BSc IT, BA HRM, Dip. Accounting. and some experience (18 years in Handson IT including Lecturing at Universities, pentest, Networks, software development).

Now going to try Pentest +, your support will be appreciated

I really appreciate
I passed SY0 - 701 with 780 /750 this morning

My story:
Last year I initially had registered to go for SY0 601 and was studying material related to this, then this year come early February resorted to 701, going through the last year 701 TTT resources. I changed from 601 to 701 because of the discussions within this forum, for the need to be 701 certified to teach 701 students. used CERT MASTER Learning, and practice questions

I thank you all for the discussions and support including Peter Hanwith-horden (My SY0 601 trainer, etc)

This is My first Certification, apart from my academic qualifications like MSc in Computer Security and Forensics (Distinction)- UK, BSc IT, BA HRM, Dip. Accounting. and some experience (18 years in Handson IT including Lecturing at Universities, pentest, Networks, software development).

Now going to try Pentest +, your support will be appreciated

I really appreciate
Nice job! Congrats on your pass!
I passed SY0 - 701 with 780 /750 this morning

My story:
Last year I initially had registered to go for SY0 601 and was studying material related to this, then this year come early February resorted to 701, going through the last year 701 TTT resources. I changed from 601 to 701 because of the discussions within this forum, for the need to be 701 certified to teach 701 students. used CERT MASTER Learning, and practice questions

I thank you all for the discussions and support including Peter Hanwith-horden (My SY0 601 trainer, etc)

This is My first Certification, apart from my academic qualifications like MSc in Computer Security and Forensics (Distinction)- UK, BSc IT, BA HRM, Dip. Accounting. and some experience (18 years in Handson IT including Lecturing at Universities, pentest, Networks, software development).

Now going to try Pentest +, your support will be appreciated

I really appreciate
Congratulations! And good luck with Pentest+