Reading vs studying vs hands-on

I find this surprising. I taught a two-week hands on boot camp for high school kids in a summer program and they did fine. It was 80 contact hours total. It was a good mix of lecture and labs. I had them taking computers apart, installing software, going through the log files and registry. All of it. And I didn't assign any homework because I had them for two straight weeks, so I didn't feel the need to burden them further during the summer. We covered an 1100 pages in those two weeks.

Generally speaking, High school kids should try for ITF+ before tackling A+. I'd also suggest doing A+ as a two week boot camp offering during the summer. Spreading it over multiple semesters/years runs the risk of a version change before you finish.

Tess Sluijter

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2020
the Netherlands
I'd also suggest doing A+ as a two week boot camp offering during the summer. Spreading it over multiple semesters/years runs the risk of a version change before you finish.
I will fully agree with your first statement: it's best to not spread things out too long.

Wouldn't say it's because of the risk you mention (a new exam coming out), but there's a saying in Dutch that says "You need to forge the iron while it's still hot"... That is, shape and educate these students while they're rearing to go! And when you've got them going, keep at it.

I wish I could do my Linux+ track at school in a shorter timespan. We now do 16 classes, spread across as many weeks. That means that whatever the students learned in one week, is gonna be mostly forgotten by the next class. But alas, my schedule with other customers, plus my budgeting, doesn't allow it.

Diana Eyes

Well-known member
Dec 11, 2019
New Zealand
The failover relay literally was this gi-normous pull handle. I felt like Igor in Dr. Frankenstein's castle when we flipped the system from "Side-A", to "Side-B". The system had round green displays, so that should give an indicator as to the age. Hard drives the size of a washing machine.
I am in tears from laughing so hard :) well put. thanks for your humour.

Chris Gehringer

Well-known member
  • Jan 26, 2020
    It's been a year since my initial posting and I'm currently working hard to get out of my teaching assignment. I've given it 4.5 years. So much has not gone well and the pace of each of the certs I have been tasked with (ITF+, A+, Network+) is beyond what the students or I can handle. If you have a NJ or Philadelphia teaching spot open, or something full-time, please let me know. Remote would be okay too. Thank you all for your replies. @Rick Butler @Jarrel @Gregory Childers @Tess Sluijter @Sean Cohmer @Hod Berman @jasoneckert
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