Security+ Course


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2020
Hi Y'all,

I am new to CIN. I have been asked to create and teach a Security+ course.
We will have access to the CompTIA resources. It will also be a class held in the evenings.

I have several questions:
How many class meeting times do you have for your course?
How long is your class meeting time?
Do you do a hybrid online/offline course?
And approximately how long did it take you to develop your course?

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Hi Nikki. A great place to get a headstart is by following the instructions detailed in a post I made yesterday that details a proposal I submitted for the 3CS Conference. You can reach that post by clicking HERE. It details a faculty driven project that is creating a course that utilizes and supplements the CompTIA learning products. As an instructor CompTIA provides it own timing suggestion that is useful. Course duration can be as short as 5 full days (I hate this shortened version), but is much better IMHO being taught in a full semester class (16-18 weeks).

That's my $0.02.
