Some 'fun facts' about the Joined: dates for members
If you look at a CIN member profile you will see the "Joined:" entry denoting the date a member joined the CIN Forums.
There are a few 'fun' or historical facts about these dates.
1) If you see a date before July 31, 2019 then you are looking at someone like @Stephen Schneiter from CompTIA who was in the system first, built it, and was an Alpha tester.
2) Anyone with a Joined: date of July 31, 2019 was a Beta tester of the forums, including all CIN Board members and some CompTIA staff.
3) Then you will see a lot of people with early August 2019 dates like @Stephen P and @Rick Butler who signed up at launch, either at the Partner Summit in Vegas or online.
Another unrelated fun fact: If you mouse over a member's name and look closely you can see their id in effect. I'm number 10. (I am not a number, I am a free man...)
It's amazing to me to see that in just over a year we have grown to over 1600 members! (A fact I know from using the above trick. ) Let's bring even more in and keep this party going.
If you look at a CIN member profile you will see the "Joined:" entry denoting the date a member joined the CIN Forums.
There are a few 'fun' or historical facts about these dates.
1) If you see a date before July 31, 2019 then you are looking at someone like @Stephen Schneiter from CompTIA who was in the system first, built it, and was an Alpha tester.
2) Anyone with a Joined: date of July 31, 2019 was a Beta tester of the forums, including all CIN Board members and some CompTIA staff.
3) Then you will see a lot of people with early August 2019 dates like @Stephen P and @Rick Butler who signed up at launch, either at the Partner Summit in Vegas or online.
Another unrelated fun fact: If you mouse over a member's name and look closely you can see their id in effect. I'm number 10. (I am not a number, I am a free man...)
It's amazing to me to see that in just over a year we have grown to over 1600 members! (A fact I know from using the above trick. ) Let's bring even more in and keep this party going.