Some 'fun facts' about the Joined: dates for members

Some 'fun facts' about the Joined: dates for members

If you look at a CIN member profile you will see the "Joined:" entry denoting the date a member joined the CIN Forums.

There are a few 'fun' or historical facts about these dates.

1) If you see a date before July 31, 2019 then you are looking at someone like @Stephen Schneiter from CompTIA who was in the system first, built it, and was an Alpha tester.

2) Anyone with a Joined: date of July 31, 2019 was a Beta tester of the forums, including all CIN Board members and some CompTIA staff.

3) Then you will see a lot of people with early August 2019 dates like @Stephen P and @Rick Butler who signed up at launch, either at the Partner Summit in Vegas or online.

Another unrelated fun fact: If you mouse over a member's name and look closely you can see their id in effect. I'm number 10. (I am not a number, I am a free man...)

It's amazing to me to see that in just over a year we have grown to over 1600 members! (A fact I know from using the above trick. :)) Let's bring even more in and keep this party going.


Stephen Schneiter

Staff member
  • Nov 26, 2018
    Knoxville, TN
    @Steve Linthicum, it does seem like a long time ago! Alas, the CIN community is a year old! @Lee McWhorter thanks for the fun facts!! You can also check out community member numbers from the main forum tab. One the main forum page if scroll down on the right side it shows you the current members in the community.

    Now, another fun fact, CIN actually has 3,418 members. The 1600 that @Lee McWhorter mentioned are members who have migrated over to the CIN community and are present here. Let's work on the other 1,800 and get them to join the cool folks in the community!
    Now, another fun fact, CIN actually has 3,418 members. The 1600 that @Lee McWhorter mentioned are members who have migrated over to the CIN community and are present here. Let's work on the other 1,800 and get them to join the cool folks in the community!

    Indeed! Let get those and more. :)
 that's a fun bit of reading. It also speaks to a bit of your cyber sleuthing jedi powers- it's amazing what happens when you hover over hyperlinks, correlate data, and see patterns.

    I would agree...we need about 81,743,827,497,219 members to make CIN what it should be.

    We may have to recruit off-world. Someone call Elon Musk....after he joins CIN.

    • Haha
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    Pattern recognition is a huge part of IT and Cybersecurity, and definitely one of my Jedi powers I only use for good. :)
    Quite right.

    I hover over you guys name and most of you joined in July, cool stuff. I'm glad the CIN is here and I want to help out as much as I can.
    Just keep doing what you're doing and stay involved. That's what I try to do, while trying not to annoy everyone too


    Stephen Schneiter

    Staff member
  • Nov 26, 2018
    Knoxville, TN
    So Stephen do you have a breakout relative to specific State/Country of CIN members so we can gain a sense of where people are from?

    So, yes, all of that information is available. We have had a request to be able to search for members by region. I am working on that. We will have some updates to the community platform in January and I am hoping that feature will be added at that time. Maybe we add location to the visible profile so it shows up under the name in posts as well. Good Suggestions!
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    Reactions: Lee McWhorter