• We will be shutting down for a brief period of time on 9/24 at around 8 AM CST to perform necessary software updates and maintenance; please plan accordingly!

Thinking ahead to 2023...

Bianca Scola

Active member
Feb 3, 2022
2022 is wrapping up and we are excited for a new year!

How are your preparing to wrap up your classes for 2022, and how are you planning to begin 2023 with fresh ideas? We are curious to see how you are navigating the transitions with your students and institution (if applicable). Feel free to either just share your information, or expand as much as you like. We will be happy to have a conversation directly if you have any questions as well!

Are you using CompTIA Content/Resources? Do you see yourself making changes for 2023?
1. I would like to use it, where can I find more information?
2. I am using CompTIA content, I would like to expand and pursue additional content/resources
3. I am using CompTIA content, I am going to continue what I am doing for now
4. No I am not using CompTIA content, and I do not intend to at the present time.
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Rick Butler

Well-known member
  • Aug 8, 2019
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Hey Bianca: Good to see you out there.

    So, presently our institution is using CompTIA for all of our technical courses. We're not looking to adjust much, except adjust for the new Security+ revision that is on the docket.

    As for me and 2023, well, I think we'll have a pretty full dance card for the CIN. And I know the certs I have on my own plate - hopefully I can do them all!


    Rick Butler

    Well-known member
  • Aug 8, 2019
    Colorado Springs, CO
    I'm considering getting the CTT+ before it is retired. I have the exam portion completed. I just need to submit a recording of a teaching session.
    Right there with you.

    Bianca Scola

    Active member
    Feb 3, 2022
    Hey Bianca: Good to see you out there.

    So, presently our institution is using CompTIA for all of our technical courses. We're not looking to adjust much, except adjust for the new Security+ revision that is on the docket.

    As for me and 2023, well, I think we'll have a pretty full dance card for the CIN. And I know the certs I have on my own plate - hopefully I can do them all!

    Hey Rick,

    You're a rockstar, I have no doubt that you'll exceed expectations with completing all of your certs!
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    Tess Sluijter

    Well-known member
    Apr 1, 2020
    the Netherlands
    My plans actually involve getting back to myself a little bit!

    I've updated my Linux+ materials for XK0-005 and I've also polished my DevSecOps class after teaching it the first time. Now I can spend my after-hours on studying and learning for my own enjoyment again! In the very least I should do another RedHat cert, to maintain my RHCE status.


    Well-known member
    Staff member
    Nov 12, 2019
    My plans actually involve getting back to myself a little bit!

    I've updated my Linux+ materials for XK0-005 and I've also polished my DevSecOps class after teaching it the first time. Now I can spend my after-hours on studying and learning for my own enjoyment again! In the very least I should do another RedHat cert, to maintain my RHCE status.
    Best of luck Tess! Please let us know if we can be of any help along the way