Partner Summit 2025??

The links I had for the Partner Summit this summer no longer work. Any information on whether this event will still happen? I'm going to be very sad if it disappears!
The two private equity firms' acquisition of CompTIA became complete this week, so I expect many changes to come soon.

The old non-profit portion is named the Global Technology Industry Association (GTIA).

I don't know which group owns the Partner Summit. Other than public press releases, there's not much information available.
The links I had for the Partner Summit this summer no longer work. Any information on whether this event will still happen? I'm going to be very sad if it disappears!
Indeed. I was wondering about this as well, since ChannelCon eclipses Partner Summit greatly.

The two private equity firms' acquisition of CompTIA became complete this week, so I expect many changes to come soon.

The old non-profit portion is named the Global Technology Industry Association (GTIA).

I don't know which group owns the Partner Summit. Other than public press releases, there's not much information available.
I don't think there is a lot of information available on anything at the moment. There are a lot of pieces in motion that we're seeing now. It has me worried for how it will impact things like the CIN, even.
This is what I found out from our account rep at CompTIA: "Thank you for contacting me regarding the 2025 Partner Summit. The Events team is in the process of reimaging and securing a New Location for the Partner Summit."
Agh...just when I was so excited to have it at Opryland in Nashville, and have an excuse to stay there after visiting just to walk through so many times since I was a teen, and now they have to go and move it already. least there's hope it will still happen!
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It would be a shame if Partner Summit doesn't happen this year.
Mainly because this is the first year in a long time where I'll actually be able to take the time to attend it since I'm doing mostly program administration and not teaching a class.
Indeed. I think you owe me beer, so it would be a great time to collect.
This is what I found out from our account rep at CompTIA: "Thank you for contacting me regarding the 2025 Partner Summit. The Events team is in the process of reimaging and securing a New Location for the Partner Summit."
I've spoken to a few people also within CompTIA. I think there is a strong desire to have one, but it's still in the air.

I hear Denver is nice. ;)
Agh...just when I was so excited to have it at Opryland in Nashville, and have an excuse to stay there after visiting just to walk through so many times since I was a teen, and now they have to go and move it already. least there's hope it will still happen!
Just as long as we don't do it in the deep south this year. I felt like I could squeeze the air through a coffee filter to make coffee on the go.

Again, Denver is nice.
Interesting to see that ChannelCon remains with the not-for-profit org, GTIA.
Well, for the last few ChannelCon/Partner Summits that I attended, the ratio was about 75/25 in terms of attendees. While I know CompTIA tried to make a good, blended event, I always felt like the red-headed stepchild when I happened into the ChannelCon areas (except going into the dealer/vendor room, where everyone was just oh, so friendly).

I hope we do get a Partner Summit, though.

Well, for the last few ChannelCon/Partner Summits that I attended, the ratio was about 75/25 in terms of attendees. While I know CompTIA tried to make a good, blended event, I always felt like the red-headed stepchild when I happened into the ChannelCon areas (except going into the dealer/vendor room, where everyone was just oh, so friendly).

I hope we do get a Partner Summit, though.

Yep. While wandering around the conferences last year in Atlanta, I estimated ChannelCon brought in more than 3/4 of the $$ while the Partner Conference probably did not generate enough $$ to pay for the space rental. :censored: ChannelCon subsidized us.
Hello ya all.
I am now so happy attended the Atlanta one last year for this Canadian IT processional for 36 years.
It was one of the best ones I have ever been too, had met amazing folks to show my Blackberry passport too :). I was looking forward to possible going this year but our Canadian Peso is not very good right now. But Tennessee would have been my 23 USA state to visit.
There is the Vancouver Web Summit end of May will be about 15k folks at it (maybe I will see you there). Your US dollar will go a long ways.
~Benjamin Stewart - College Of New Caledonia BC, Canada MEd, PID, A+, Net+, CPCTi
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I'm still not seeing information for the Partner Summit. But I do see hotel block information available now for ChannelCon. Looks like you can make your reservation at the discounted rate now using their link, then cancel later (more than 5 days before event) if Partner Summit ends up being somewhere else or at a different time. (Or possibly a cheaper rate?? Though this is a good discount, it's still pricey!)
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