• Trevor Chandler
    How can I be sure that this video file isn't contaminated with something malicious???????
  • Trevor Chandler
    I know you wouldn't accept written, or even visual proof, Mr. Zero Trust :-) :-)
  • Rick Butler
    Likely story...
  • Rick Butler
    Well, with respect to the Coffee Maker:
  • Rick Butler
    Suddenly, this comes to bear:
  • Rick Butler
    I'm going to reference (but not link) the song Orange Barrels by Todd Yohn and featured on the Bob and Tom radio show...
  • precious
    This is a crucial point—thank you for bringing it to attention. Bypassing essential knowledge results in a pattern of rote memorization...
  • precious
    These are brilliant strategies—thank you for sharing! I love the use of Packet Tracer for troubleshooting, the time management tip with...
  • precious
    🍕😂 Let me know when the delivery's here! 🚚👀
  • Gregory Childers
    My advice starts before they start studying or taking courses. READ THE RECOMMENDED PREREQUISITES. So many students sign up for...
  • Trevor Chandler
    Mr. Stephen Schneiter, if you feel this is safe, I'll do it. Give me a few days to locate the tablet where I have those passwords...
  • Trevor Chandler
    A All P People S Seem T To N Need D Dominos P Pizza Now, how does that...
  • abiodun1991
    This expression is interesting but I need the person that can interpret it for me.
  • Gregory Childers
    Hopefully, the site will use large fonts and high contrast for the......more seasoned professionals who need greater accessibility...
  • Jose A Ruiz Marquez
    1. Problem Based Scenarios: create a Packet Tracer file with configuration errors for them to fix. Stuff that aligns with the exam...
  • Paul Willy
    It is true that we should not give details regarding questions. However, having taken A+ 3 times over the years, with decreasing...
  • Paul Willy
    Paul Willy replied to the thread Phishing Email Analysis Tools.
    How about python regression models. import pandas as pd import numpy as np df = pd.read_csv('../datasets/sms_spam_perceptron.csv') X =...
  • J
    Then, who can I contact to talk about the context of the question? I'm not looking at violating any rules agreements in here. Just...
  • Stephen Schneiter
    I am sorry @Trevor Chandler! I tell you what, post your passwords for all of you accounts here, and we will remind you when you forget...
  • precious
    precious replied to the thread CompTIA A+ Simulation Labs.
    Use it for your students
  • abiodun1991
    abiodun1991 replied to the thread CompTIA A+ Simulation Labs.
    I have checked but I can found it.
  • precious
    I appreciate you expressing your opinions regarding the A+ Core 1 exam. I recognize your interest in the question you referred to, but I...
  • precious
    precious replied to the thread CompTIA A+ Simulation Labs.
    You can access free labs with zero free trial and no account
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