• We will be shutting down for a brief period of time on 9/24 at around 8 AM CST to perform necessary software updates and maintenance; please plan accordingly!

What is the shortest time to teach A+

Hi everyone,

I was approached by someone who wanted me to teach Core 1 and Core 2 in five days- TOTAL. The classes would be 9 am- 6 pm. I could see if they asked for 5 days each, but five days total? Is this possible to do? What is the recommended time to teach the CompTIA Core 1 and Core 2? I'd like to go back and ask him to provide more time for the training before I accept. Thanks!

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Hopefully, this guy is not a former student of any CINner! :eek:
It's important to realize that there is an important 'teachable' moment created by Friday's massive outage. We teach students about frameworks and policies in several of our courses. If organization's utilized those frameworks and adopted and used those policies then Friday's outage would simply be 'an incident' and the organization's IT change management and business continuity policies would be activated. If members of the organization are properly trained on those policies then while there would be a disruption; some business could continue. I believe that many organization's had policies and trained people in place and what we heard about on the news were simply those that have more work to do.

Having worked for a major cybersecurity company for 24 years I'll add we would never hit a competitor when they were down with an event like this. Because 'what goes around, comes around' and it could be your company next time.

Any Reason N10-009 Slides 99% word and no picture photo and graphic ? Very boring....hope can enhance!

Yes, I agree slides can be dry! @LynW brings up a good point about the use of graphics. CompTIA provides the basic slide deck with the main teaching points. Some folks have commented that there are too many slides. You have the ability to change the slides, add slides, remove slides or edit them as you see fit. You have a starting point and the ability to change the slide deck to meet your teaching style, pacing, and content you want to cover.

I like to add some graphics that work for me, some that I think add context to the text. Others do not; it is a personal choice. Every instructor has a unique style for content delivery.
@Stephen Schneiter you have given clear explanation about the graphics slides.

Any Reason N10-009 Slides 99% word and no picture photo and graphic ? Very boring....hope can enhance!

Yes, I agree slides can be dry! @LynW brings up a good point about the use of graphics. CompTIA provides the basic slide deck with the main teaching points. Some folks have commented that there are too many slides. You have the ability to change the slides, add slides, remove slides or edit them as you see fit. You have a starting point and the ability to change the slide deck to meet your teaching style, pacing, and content you want to cover.

I like to add some graphics that work for me, some that I think add context to the text. Others do not; it is a personal choice. Every instructor has a unique style for content delivery.
@Stephen Schneiter that you for clear explanation.

Any Reason N10-009 Slides 99% word and no picture photo and graphic ? Very boring....hope can enhance!

Yes, I agree slides can be dry! @LynW brings up a good point about the use of graphics. CompTIA provides the basic slide deck with the main teaching points. Some folks have commented that there are too many slides. You have the ability to change the slides, add slides, remove slides or edit them as you see fit. You have a starting point and the ability to change the slide deck to meet your teaching style, pacing, and content you want to cover.

I like to add some graphics that work for me, some that I think add context to the text. Others do not; it is a personal choice. Every instructor has a unique style for content delivery.

How to become CTT+ ?

Hi Tracey, how to get access to instructor materials outside from using partner login? I mean I want to have access to instructor materials using my own account.
@Albert Jeremy you will need to talk with your CompTIA representative or Customer Success Manager as they will be the ones who need to set you up with instructor resources, and assist with your accounts. If you need any help with who your contact is let me know and I will connect you.

How to become CTT+ ?

Hello KarthikEs,

Welcome to the CIN community! :)

The CompTIA Technical Trainer (CTT+) certification was retired last year. However, with your other qualifications like being an MCT and VMware certified Instructor, it sounds like you're a very qualified instructor already! The companies you train for, will likely want you to be certified in the CompTIA certification that you want to teach.

Hi Tracey, how to get access to instructor materials outside from using partner login? I mean I want to have access to instructor materials using my own account.

CASP+ and Pentest+++


Can anyone provide me with the latest instructor slides for CASP+ and Pentest+?
You may have to reach out to your CompTIA Business Development Manager for access to materials for these things. They're not generally released, as it were.

Took the CloudNetX Beta today

Interesting--I took this exam earlier this week as well, and I had almost no questions on the more advanced technologies you've listed. For me, it was almost like they took 2/3 of a Net+ exam and 2/3 of a Cloud+ exam, and then meshed them together. Only one of the four PBQs was significantly challenging. Many of the questions were pretty low on Bloom's levels, and very often, the wrong answers were clearly wrong (rather than being almost-right-but-not-quite). One question was completely wrong. (Three of the options gave IP addresses containing "300" as an octet, and the other option couldn't be correct for other reasons--I left a comment on this one.)

That said, I thought they did a good job of representing multiple cloud platforms. As they explained at Partner Summit last year, this exam is not "vendor neutral" as much as it is "vendor agnostic." You kind of need some familiarity with multiple cloud platforms (and not just the Big Three). A handful of questions also threw a lot of information at you, and you need to apply an effective process of elimination to get to the answer.

Topics I saw a lot of or was surprised by:

Subnetting (needed to know the basics of calculating subnets), cloud gateways, troubleshooting (though typically not highly technical or complex), DNS, topology types (surprisingly a lot of questions), Direct Connect and similar, load balancing, switch hierarchy, Wi-Fi, documentation, firewall rules, ZTA, and GitOps

Comparing this beta to the Cloud+ beta earlier this year, the Cloud+ beta was much more challenging.

Any Reason N10-009 Slides 99% word and no picture photo and graphic ? Very boring....hope can enhance!

any reason N10-009 Slides 99% word and no picture and graphic ?
Very boring....hope can enhance!
Hello Peter, You make a solid point. Producing a presentation ahead of the launch creates a challenge doesn't it? Much effort is required for including pictures and graphics for commercial use, including permissions and that the platforms used to create same are commercially licensed. CompTIA's reach is global, which includes compliance with a variety of laws.

However the primary purpose of slides is in classroom use. Since these aren't intended for marketing or as the primary means of teaching, I can see value in simplicity. They are used to enhance my hands-on and experience-sharing. My students like them as a study guide for the keywords, concepts and objectives. I encourage use for review after I've taught a subject. I like slides to have just enough information, then if they still don't have a firm grasp of the material, to follow through with more in-depth research and to ask questions in class.
