XK-006 is coming in the future

Since there is an announcement...

PRE-DRAFT CompTIA Linux+XK0-006 Exam Objectives (pdf) (922 KB)

So you can start preparing already for that one in 2025 or 26?


Use and in your AI prompt chain to refine the responses

Hi gang,

I want to follow-up the Partner Conference Atlanta Practical AI for Instructors: Lessons Learned session from Thursday August 1. This time, I am talking about refining prompts.

Use and in your AI prompt chain to refine the responses​

You can use and in your AI prompts to refine the responses your favorite AI engine gives you. I am using Perplexity.AI, which lets you follow-up prompts. You may prompt Perplexity “tell me the 10 largest cities in the United States,” get the response and follow-up with “and tell me each city’s population from the 2020 census.”

Perplexity.AI lets you follow-up prompts.

Perplexity.AI lets you follow-up prompts.

CIA Triad in Cybersecurity​

Let’s step into the world of cybersecurity. I am showing how to tweak Perplexity AI’s response to “Tell me about the CIA Triad in cybersecurity.” Perplexity. AI replies with:

The CIA Triad is a fundamental model in cybersecurity, representing three core principles: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. These principles guide the development and implementation of security policies and practices to protect information within organizations.
Perplexity also gives me headings and supporting paragraphs for Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.

I follow-up by prompting “and write at a 6th grade reading level” This basically means creating shorter sentences with shorter words, thus making the response more understandable. Please see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch–Kincaid_readability_tests for more. Perplexity’s response begins with:

Sure! Here’s an explanation of the CIA Triad in cybersecurity at a 6th-grade reading level:…
Perplexity’s new response is easier to read and more conversational….

I follow-up with “and in under 250 words.” Perplexity returns a shorter response. So far, we are prompting:
  • Tell me about the CIA Triad in cybersecurity.
  • and write at a 6th grade reading level
  • and in under 250 words
But wait, there’s more. I follow-up further with “and give me this information in bullet points.” Perplexity. AI delivers, with a response in bullet points. Each heading has four entries. I prefer three. Therefore…

I follow-up with “and make sure each bullet point list has only three entries.” I get bullet points again, but this time each entry has only three supporting entries. All the text looks the same. Therefore…

Final Result​

I follow-up with “and bold the first word in each bullet point entry.” Perplexity gives me a final result I can embrace and utilize elsewhere. That response is:

CIA Triad in Cybersecurity
  • Confidentiality
    • Keeps sensitive information safe and private.
    • Ensures only authorized people can access important data.
    • Uses tools like passwords and encryption for protection.
  • Integrity
    • Ensures information is accurate and trustworthy.
    • Protects data from being altered by unauthorized users.
    • Uses tools like checksums and hashes to verify data remains unchanged.
  • Availability
    • Ensures information and systems are accessible when needed.
    • Makes sure websites and online services work properly.
    • Aims to prevent downtime and ensure users can access resources without issues.
With and follow-up prompts, you too can follow-up Perplexity. AI responses and generate verbiage you can embrace and use elsewhere.


I am sharing the entire thread at: https://www.perplexity.ai/search/tell-me-about-the-cia-triad-in-cggSS5XETk6.l.AlF0T9Uw#5. You can get a Perplexity Pro $10 discount at https://perplexity.ai/pro?referral_code=Z5IL6KZ7.


AI ain't so tough. See https://cybersafetynet.net/category/ai/ to help understand and use Artificial intelligence.

CIN TTT Series: CompTIA DataX DY0-001

Join the CompTIA Instructor Network and special guest RJ Sak as he leads the DataX TTT series using the CompTIA CertMaster Learn content. RJ will cover the exam objectives and provide hands-on examples as you strengthen your Data analytics skills. We will discuss how to cover the content with students and suggest various labs to let students gain hands-on experience as they prepare for certification.

What: CIN TTT Series DataX DY0-001 10 sessions
When: Aug 12 - Sept 16, 2024, 7:00 - 9:00 PM Central Daylight Time, Monday and Wednesday
Who: RJ Sak
Where: ON24

06689 CIN Webinar Banners-02.pngDataX.png

AI’s Different Results Thwart Plagiarism Checkers

Hi gang,

I want to follow-up the Partner Conference Atlanta Practical AI for Instructors: Lessons Learned session from Thursday August 1.

I asked an AI engine to generate content yesterday. One small change in my prompt created a result with a vastly different result, tone and verbiage. Armed with this knowledge, I am arguing plagiarism checkers will not generate consistent results on AI-generated content.

My client has all users logging into their Windows 11 workstations with the same password. Danger, Danger, Danger, I know. I asked perplexity to generate content I can share with the client, promoting creating user-specific passwords.

My first prompt was​

“why should a company with 5 computer users have unique passwords for each user and in under 300 words and include bullet points and in a friendly tone and written from the perspective of a cybersecurity consultant”

The first answer was​

“As a cybersecurity consultant, I'd strongly recommend unique passwords for each user in your 5-person company. Here's why, in a friendly and concise manner:

Enhanced Security: Unique passwords significantly reduce the risk of a widespread breach. If one password is compromised, only that account is at risk, not your entire system.
Accountability: Individual passwords allow you to track who accessed what and when. This is crucial for maintaining data integrity and resolving any issues that may arise.
Compliance: Many industries require unique user identification for regulatory compliance, such as HIPAA in healthcare.
Easier Management: While it might seem simpler to have one password, individual accounts actually make it easier to manage access rights and revoke them when needed.
Personal Responsibility: Users tend to be more careful with their own unique passwords, leading to better overall security practices.
Flexibility: Different access levels can be assigned to different users based on their roles and needs.

To make this manageable, consider:

• Implementing a password manager for your team
• Using multi-factor authentication for an extra layer of security
• Creating a clear password policy that everyone understands and follows Remember, good cybersecurity is about layers of protection. Unique passwords are a simple yet effective layer that can significantly boost your company's digital defenses. It's a small change that can make a big difference in protecting your valuable data and systems.

My second prompt requested only 5 bullet points​

“why should a company with 5 computer users have unique passwords for each user and in under 300 words and include 5 bullet points and in a friendly tone and written from the perspective of a cybersecurity consultant”

The second answer was vastly different​

“Hey there! As a cybersecurity consultant, I'm excited to share why unique passwords for each of your 5 users are a game-changer for your company's security. Let's dive into the top reasons:

Fortress-like Protection: Unique passwords act like individual locks for each user. If one lock gets picked, the others stay secure. This means a single compromised password won't give hackers the keys to your entire kingdom!
Sherlock-Level Tracking: With unique passwords, you can easily track who did what and when. It's like having a digital detective on your team, helping you solve any mysterious activities quickly and efficiently.
Regulation High-Five: Many industry regulations love unique passwords. By implementing them, you're not just boosting security, you're also giving a thumbs up to compliance requirements. It's a win-win!
Personal Security Superheroes: When users have their own passwords, they tend to become more security-conscious. It's like giving each team member their own superhero cape – they'll feel more responsible for protecting their digital identity.
Flexible Access Control: Unique passwords allow you to tailor access levels for each user. It's like having a VIP list for your data – you decide who gets the all-access pass and who gets the standard ticket.

Remember, implementing unique passwords doesn't have to be a headache. Password managers can make this process smooth and simple for everyone.”

Small change​

All I did was request 5 bullet points. The result is vastly different. My proposals do not promise “Fortress-like Protection,” “Sherlock-Level Tracking” and Regulation High-Five.” I may submit the second result to a teacher or academic journal while someone else submits the first result. No teacher could accuse anyone of copying each other. The tone is widely divergent.

I ran the second prompt again this morning. Widely divergent results, again. Seeing that we get widely divergent results, teachers and academic journals cannot generate sufficient evidence for plagiarism. Prompts are highly similar. Results are not. AI wins. Plagiarism checkers lose.


AI ain't so tough. See https://cybersafetynet.net/category/ai/ to help understand and use Artificial intelligence.

*** Passed 009...We Need To Talk ***

Team, I passed the new Network+ (N10-009)!

Let's talk...80 questions, which consisted of 6, let me repeat that, 6 PBQs.

Time will be a problem for most testers, in my opinion. I flagged the 6 PBQs and went right to the multiple choice questions. Since I have experience and teach this content, I was able to buy time by getting through the multiple-choice questions fast. Even by doing that, I still had a couple of minutes left after rushing through the PBQs.

Since more PBQs were added, I suggest reducing the amount of multiple choice questions for time purposes, or, reduce the amount of PBQs.

What do you think?

Cloud+ August 2024 Update...

I had an opportunity to talk with the Cloud+ Product Manager at Partner Summit and learned that the Cloud+ 04 version exam should be launching in preview this month. General availability will follow likely next month (September 2024). At this time the CV0-003 exam and course should retire in Q1 2025 (likely six months from the public release of CV0-004).

You may start to notice that score reports are being issued for those who participated in the Cloud+ beta (CV0-004). For those that have not participated in beta exams before those exams are scored and results delivered close to the updated exam release date. That means that some CINers may have been waiting as long as six months to learn if they passed. Congratulations to all that received the good news!

Took the CloudNetX Beta today

I was honored to be chosen to be among the first to acquiree the CloudNetX inception version certification. I completed the exam today.

Advanced cloud networking skills across multiple providers, particularly cloud connectivity technologies and solutions such as VXLAN, GENEVE, CMDB, ZTNA, Wifi-6, WPA3, Wireguard VPN, DEVOPS, IaC Resource provisioning and configuration, Version Control secrets management, and QoS, were heavily featured in the exam.

Some Performance Based Questions were slightly difficult, while others were outright simple if you have actual cloud networking abilities, particularly in VPC peering, WAF, Application Gateway, and NSG configuration.

It was a rewarding challenge that I eagerly accepted to supplement my practical abilities across a wide range of cloud technologies, and I am confident of passing when the results of this beta exam are revealed in January 2025.

  • Question
Anyone have a Canvas Shell for ITF+ for best practices for a college course?

I am new to CompTIA Instructor network and teaching at a community college in Texas. We are using the soon to be retired ITF+ course. I am interested in tips and best practices for how to present the CompTIA course in Canvas.

I linked the course materials and it is overwhelming, so I know the students will be as well.

It is an 8 week course start to finish.

I have some ideas but if anybody could help fast track me to success, I would appreciate the help.


CIN 2024 Most Valuable Contributor Award at CompTIA Partner Summit

Hello Everyone! Just in case you missed the post, I finally have the pictures to share. Here is @Rick Butler receiving his award at Partner Summit. I think the justification is clear, especially given the number of posts Rick shared throughout the event! Congratulations, Rick! Well deserved!

Also pictured is a collection of CINners, @Hod Berman, @Trevor Chandler, @Stephen Schneiter and @Brian Ford.


Cloud+ beta, february 2024

EDIT: Let me rephrase my post, instead of ranting like a jealous child. :)

Has anyone here received an invite for the current Cloud+ beta?

Login to view embedded media
I have missed out on multiple fun betas, because they didn't get publicly posted. Instead the invite was emailed to a limited group of people, whose demographics I don't know.

@Stephen Schneiter can you enlighten me? What is the process for inviting people into the betas?

DevOps Fundamentals Ideas for the new Domain 5 in the Version 004.

As mentioned in the Sneak Peek for the new version, (in case you missed it, you can watch the recording and download the slides)
DevOps (why not DevSecOps as now called),
and most of the participants said, they have not much expierence with the DevOps,
lets share Ideas, ressources how to teach it.

If you are training over weeks or months, spend plenty of time here, would be easier, as in teaching it in 5 days to non-dev people, who need to understand the basics.

are their free ressources available to the different tools, like
and so one, that we can use or share?

Post it here, or upload it to the Ressources / Media Section in CIN and provide the link here.

Would be great to have some stuff for the Trainers going into the TTT then later this year..


Cybersecurity & Awareness Fair

Good afternoon,

My colleagues at Cal Poly Pomona are running a Poster Contest for Cyber Security Month in October. This contest is open to High Schools and Colleges, not just in California. https://www.cpp.edu/cyberfair/poster-information/poster-contest-information-2024.shtml

Please read the eligibility; there will be some really good prizes.

Anticipated prize amounts: **
  • 1st place: $1500
  • 2nd place: $1250
  • 3rd place: $1000
  • 4th place: $750
  • 5th place: $500

Important Dates and Deadlines

  • September 22, 2024, at 8 p.m. PT - Poster Submission Deadline. No late entries will be accepted.
  • September 30, 2024 - Students will be notified of their acceptance.
  • October 4, 2024 - Accepted students attend boot camp on how to present.
  • October 14, 2024, at 8 p.m. PT - Video must be completed and uploaded. No late work will be accepted.
  • October 17, 2024, 10 p.m. - 2 p.m. PT- Bring your poster to the event for final judging. Full team must be available. Judges’ decisions are final.

  • Question
How to obtain a Comptia certified trainer certificate if i am a MCT and Netacad Instructor

Hello all,

Please if someone can suggest/guide me in my situation.

I do have my MCT and Netacad Instructor accreditation from last 7 years. Now planning to start a Comptia A+ batch, but the employer forced me to get a Trainer accreditation from
Comptia. Pls if anyone can help me with the process or possible ways to obtain it
  • Like
Reactions: NATUNA


In the final session today of the Network+ TTT series, one of the topics discussed was SDWAN. I ran across this article a few hours later that would sprinkle a little seasoning on that final session - which by the way was a culmination of a tremendous series, delivered by Mr. Don Tilley!!!

Check out the article: "Where and How Do WAN, SD-WAN, and SASE Fit In?"

Job opening - IT Program Director and Instructor

Looking for someone who can start out with training A+, Network+, Security+, Cloud+, CySA+, PenTest+ but eventually become the IT program director in charge of the following:


1. Program Development and Planning
- Develop and oversee the implementation of IT training programs and courses.
- Set program goals, define scope, and outline necessary resources and timelines.
- Stay updated with industry trends to ensure programs remain relevant.

2. Leadership and Team Management
- Hire, Lead and manage a team of instructors and adjunct trainers.
- Provide training, mentorship, and performance evaluations to staff.
- Foster a collaborative and supportive team environment.

3. Curriculum Design and Quality Assurance
- Ensure that all courses meet high-quality standards and align with industry certifications.
- Regularly review and update curriculum to incorporate new technologies and practices.
- Develop and implement assessment methods to evaluate student progress and program effectiveness.

4. Budget and Resource Management
- Develop and manage budgets for IT programs.
- Ensure optimal allocation of resources, including hardware, software, and learning materials.
- Monitor expenses and ensure cost-effectiveness.

5. Stakeholder Communication
- Act as the primary point of contact for program stakeholders, including students, instructors, and industry partners.
- Provide regular updates on program progress and outcomes.
- Address and resolve any stakeholder concerns.

6. Student Engagement and Support
- Develop strategies to enhance student engagement and retention.
- Provide support and resources to help students succeed in their courses.
- Oversee job placement services and build relationships with potential employers.

7. Risk Management
- Identify potential risks to program success and develop mitigation strategies.
- Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and accreditation standards.

8. Performance Monitoring and Reporting:
- Track program performance against established metrics.
- Prepare and present regular reports to senior management.


- Certifications in the courses you will be teaching in information Technology and at least 2 years training experience required
- Proven experience in program management, preferably in an educational setting.
- Strong leadership and team management skills.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities.
- Budget management experience.
- Knowledge of current IT industry trends and certifications.

Desired Skills

- Project management certification (e.g., PMP) is a plus.
- Experience with curriculum design and instructional technology - We can adapt whichever platform you are comfortable with
- Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced and dynamic environment.
- Student engagement - The ability to create a collaborative and engaging environment during and after course completion is critical
- Communication both written and verbal to both staff and students will be required
- Mentorship - provide student support during and after graduation (provide testing support, tools and resources)
- Internships - Connect with local businesses to establish internships and apprenticeships for graduates
- Trustworthiness - Communication and collaboration with stakeholders is key. Time sheet fraud will not be tolerated
- Transfer knowledge - Students who enroll with ACT are typically career changers and new to the IT industry, logging out of class and leaving students to fend for themselves is unacceptable. The student experience is everything to ACT AND the student.
- Your hourly salary is dependent on you actually working - i.e. If you did not actually work 40 hours, you will not be paid for 40 hours. Thought that would be self explanatory but apparently not speaking from experience
- Understanding of local workforce boards, grants, services and job placement services (will train)
- Policies and Procedures - Knowledge of school and student policies and procedures is a must. You will have access and discretion to implement these with stakeholder approval.
- This is a remote position - however, local Tampa area candidates a plus.
- Salary is commensurate upon education, certs, work history and skill set as well as training experience.
- This is a full time position with consistent work year round

Seeking Advice! First-Time CompTIA Trainer!

Hello everyone,

I will be stepping into the role of a CompTIA trainer for the first time next month! With 15 years of experience in IT infrastructure, I’m passionate about networking and cybersecurity, and I’m excited about the opportunity to guide others on their certification journeys.

However, as with any new venture, I’m also a bit nervous and eager to ensure that I provide the best learning experience for my students. That's why I'm reaching out to this knowledgeable community for some advice.

Experienced Trainers:

  • Reflecting on Your First Training: What were some of the challenges you faced during your first training session? How did you handle those initial nerves and uncertainties?
  • Current Strategies for Quality Training: How have your teaching methods evolved over time? What strategies do you now employ to ensure that your training sessions are engaging and effective?

Thank you in advance for your support! 🌟

ChannelCon / Partner Summit 2024 - Tuesday

Good morning you CIN'ers from across the sphere. Summit is on us and your Fedora sporting Agent is here to capture some of it for you all that cannot be here. Watch these threads through the day.

But before we start, some of you need to be in the Fitness Center with me. While some are running or doing some...Tai Chi...?!

No, y'all...it's time for some morning pain.

Come get some.

