Speakers Needed for DeVry Webinars

Interested in sharing your IT knowledge and skill sets? We have received a request from DeVry for someone in CompTIA’s network to present to their students in Week 7 of their Academic Session. Here are the presentations that they are requesting a speaker for:
  1. CEIS101 Introduction to Technology and Information Systems – Monday 10/14/2019 at 6 PM Pacific/9 PM Eastern. The theme of this presentation is the Ecosystem of the IoT – Insights into the Interplay of People, Processes, Data, and Devices (Things) in the Workplace. This is a beginner’s course in all things IoT. Subtopics may include (but are not limited to): Industry Trends in the IoT; 21st Century (soft) Skills; and Relationship of Education, Experience, and Industry Certifications in starting and growing a Career. All topics and themes are at the discretion of the speaker.
  2. CEIS106 Introduction to Operating Systems – Thursday 10/17/2019 at 5 PM Pacific/8 PM Eastern. The theme of this presentation is the Role of the A+ and Linux+ Certifications in the Workplace. What is the role and demand for A+ folks? What is the role and demand for Linux+ certified workers? This class expands on the IoT principles introduced in CEIS101 (above). Subtopics may also include (but are not limited to): Industry Trends in the IoT; 21st Century (soft) Skills; and Relationship of Education, Experience, and Industry Certifications in starting and growing a Career. All topics and themes are at the discretion of the speaker.
These are WebEx based events that include 50+ students per course attending real-time and another 150 viewing the recording of the presentation.

If you would be interested in presenting or would like some more information please email Justine Valentine from CompTIA AITP, [email protected]

CompTIA A+ Instructors Needed (Update!)

Hello everyone,

NPower Canada is looking for A+ Instructors across the Toronto and Greater Toronto Area.

NPower Canada is a charitable organization that launches underserved young adults into meaningful and sustainable careers in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) field. NPower Canada’s programs provide participants with free in-demand technical and professional skills training, and connects them to new and rewarding career opportunities with some of Canada’s largest employers.

Through consultation with a wide range of employers, NPower Canada’s comprehensive curriculum ensures participants are equipped with the in-demand technical and professional skills most sought after by industry.

Please see the attached PDF for more details on the opportunities to work within the organization.

Thank you,



  • NPower Canada Instructor Job Description.pdf
    162.4 KB · Views: 20

CIN Road Show - BSides Harrisburg

If anyone is in the neighborhood, we will be presenting at BSides Harrisburg conference at Harrisburg University this Wednesday, October 2nd. Stop by and check us out or give us a shout.

You can find out more information about the event and the agenda here is the website, https://summits.harrisburgu.edu/bsides/

Bad news for fans of Yellow Circle

I have been using Yellow Circle as a completely free (and no CC required) alternative to the 'free' Cloud accounts through the major vendors. Unfortunately it seems they have recently changed things so that even the lowest account has a $1 cost now... While admittedly quite reasonable for what they do, it takes away a free educational resource for teaching / demoing Cloud which I'm sad to see go. Also, even these prices might not last based on the 'limited time only' wording.

  • Solved
Resources for Security+

Hey, all.

I've taken a few online practice tests for Security+ and have scored well above passing for almost all categories - but need some brushing up on a few areas.

Without purchasing an entire in-depth exam study guide, are there any good resources out there designed to quickly get an experienced IT professional up-to-speed? More of a "Cliffs Notes" version - but NOT a "memorize these answers" cheater version.

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Reactions: Lee McWhorter

Facebook Live this Friday @11:15 am - How PenTest+ stacks up against CEH with Patrick Lane!

Learn more about how PenTest+ stacks up against CEH with Patrick Lane!
Friday at 11:15 CST . (FB Live Event)

CompTIA Network+ 2019 Update Webinar

Official CompTIA Content for Network+ (N10-007) has been developed to provide a better experience for your training courses! Join the upcoming Network+ 2019 Update webinar to learn more about the features and benefits of the new content and the process for transitioning your courses.

When: Tuesday September 24, 2019
Register: https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/2079281/F6842ACF8C8C82FF52D3639FE06096C2

If you are not able to attend the live session the webinar will be available on-demand. Use the same link to register.

The Internet Cloud has a Dirty Secret

Here is an interesting article that was shared by James Stanger about the amount of energy that is consumed by data centers. It is interesting that the more we move to the cloud, the more energy will be consumed. The article does mention efforts by Amazon and Google to use alternative energy for their data centers, but still a lot of work needs to be done. All our Google searches and streaming videos from Netflix and other sources is leaving a big carbon footprint.

Good conversation starter to have with your students.https://fortune.com/2019/09/18/internet-cloud-server-data-center-energy-consumption-renewable-coal

CompTIA Linux+, A+ and Net+ Instructor needed


CompTIA's Training Strategies Group is looking for an instructor who can teach an 11 week class in Richland, WA starting October 9th. Please email if you are interested and would like to learn more. This is a contracted position with a possibility of becoming a retained contractor.

If you have your current Linux+, A+, and Net+ certs and are interested in learning more -

Please reach out to Joelle Szyszka Manager Training Operations at [email protected] if you would like to know more!

*There is opportunity for this to be a retained trainer contracted position.

Joelle Szyszka | Manager, Training Operations
Cell: 630.270.7128 Office: 630.678.8456 | CompTIA.org
Get the latest IT business and career advice from CompTIA.

Looking for a remote Cyber Security Instructor job? How about mine? :)

Hello All,

As many of you know, I've been working with Woz U for the last couple of years helping to develop, build, and teach their Cyber Security program. I have actually been doing this on about a 3/4 time contractor basis given my other projects and work. We are looking for someone to take on the role full time, something I am not able to do myself, once again given my other projects and work. :) So if you are interested and feel you are qualified, please check out the follow link to the job posting. While it is a remote position, I do believe it is limited to US citizens at this time.



Input on minimum ideal A+ lab equipment (& labs)

Hello All,

I'm going to be having the opportunity to teach a cool course covering A+, Net+ and Sec+ soon. I'm comfortable with all the content and we will be using CompTIA materials, but I wanted to get some input / feedback from all of you A+ instructors (I'm looking at your @Walt Jaqua among others :)) on what you think is minimum ideal equipment. Plus just any input on cool lab ideas would be appreciated too (Walt you've given me pretty of these from your amazing TTT :love:). I know the CompTIA materials list equipment for their labs, etc. But what else should we cover and what else would we need equipment wise to do so? If you are using materials that aren't CompTIA that is totally cool too, I would still very much love to see what you think is needed, equipment and lab wise. Heck, if you are using a different set of materials and it comes with an equipment list, please share with me! I thank any and all in advance for their input!


An article that will appear in October 2019 issue of Certification Magazine

Back in the late 1990s I use to write articles for WindowsNT Magazine, and they actually paid me for content. Those days are a distant memory, in terms of getting paid. But I love to write, and it helps add credibility to both my teaching and the administrative aspect of my job with the California Community Colleges. Hence the reason I suggest IT trainers consider authoring an occasional article.

Wanted to share the attached article that I recently wrote, and included a reference to the CIN, as I wrote:
In a recent posting on a closed forum for CompTIA instructors, one of their executives posed the following question: Did you know out of the 129,397 total U.S. Cybersecurity job postings during Q1 2019, Project Management was rated #4 as a top specialized skill?

While the article titled "A Cybersecurity Job Seeker’s Guide to Employment" contains what I think is useful information for those seeking to enter the field, what I think was equally important is the need for cybersecurity professionals to hone their project management skills. Hence a push towards the Project+ certification. If you do not have that certification, you need to get it and start teaching it.



  • A Cybersecurity Job Seeker Guide to Employment.pdf
    386.3 KB · Views: 3

CompTIA A+ Instructor Opportunity in Charlotte, NC.

CompTIA is looking to hire a best-in-class contract instructor to teach a class in Charlotte, NC.

This is an 8 week, in-person class covering A+ and Career Readiness.

Please reach out to Joelle Szyszka Manager Training Operations at [email protected] if you would like to know more!

*There is opportunity for this to be a retained trainer contracted position.

Joelle Szyszka | Manager, Training Operations
Cell: 630.270.7128 Office: 630.678.8456 | CompTIA.org
Get the latest IT business and career advice from CompTIA.

Top 15 paying IT certs

Was such a busy summer I missed this when it first came out. Great to see @comptia Network+ and Security+ on this list. Hope to see PenTest+ there soon.

CIN Road Show

We are taking CIN on the road again! Next stop, SpiceWorld 2019 in Austin Texas! I will be co-presenting with fellow CIN member @Lee McWhorter. We have two sessions on Wednesday September 25th.

9:30 - 10:30 AM SpiceHeads, Stick Your Head in the Clouds With Cloud Administration
2:30 - 3:30 PM Hey SpiceHeads, Is Troubleshooting Your Friend or Foe?

Also excited to hear Keynote speaker Brian Krebs from KrebsOnSecurity.com the same day!

If you are in the neighborhood or attending the conference be sure to give a shout out and let's connect!



Cloud+ and CASP+ Virtual Mini Bootcamps available for CEUs

Greetings, we are trying something new! Recently CompTIA held two Mini Bootcamps at TechNet Cyber - Cloud+ and CASP+. We recorded these sessions and are making them available "on demand" (no charge). There are two sessions (75 min each). Each worth 1 CEU.

Registration Link


CompTIA, General Dynamics Information Technology and Palo Alto Networks present a preview of the CompTIA Cloud+ and CASP+ certifications, and how these certifications include the technical skillsneeded to migrate, maintain and secure a cloud environment. This 3-hour recording includes a demonstration of milCloud® 2.0 and tools used to keep it secure.

The mini bootcamp recording covers:
• Skills needed to support milCloud® 2.0 in Cloud+ and CASP+
• A demonstration of DISA’s milCloud® 2.0 environment and infrastructure
• In-depth tools demo with Palo Alto Networks on securing a cloud environment

1 CEU can be earned per session

Approved for A+, Network+, Security+, Cloud+, Linux+ and CASP+

Free Cybersecurity Courses from FEMA/DHS

Found a quality resource for courses that were "funded through DHS/FEMA's Homeland Security National Training Program and are offered at no cost." You can find these resources at:

The good news is I believe, based upon a short review of one of the courses (AWR173), course content is excellent. There appears to be a limitation on who can take the courses. While it is clear that U.S. citizens can use the courses, it is not clear that the same would be true of legal residents. Access to courses requires obtaining a FEMA Student ID (see https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid/register ). Information sought includes birth date and birthplace. Recalling that FEMA is a division of DHS, as are a variety of immigration service divisions (e.g. ICE, etc.). This raises interesting issues with the California community college system. California residency is likely more broadly defined than the Federal definition of legal residency (see for example https://web.peralta.edu/admissions/registration-information/residency-requirements/#nav).

So the California question, where equal access is a rule, is can we utilize these resources for community college students?


I'm sharing the email string below (shown in reverse order), because I think it shows a great opportunity for IT instructors, students, and practitioners, as a way of getting back through participation in the ITDRC (www.itdrc.org). I'd encourage you to consider joining and sharing this information with your colleagues and students.

From: Linthicum, Steve
Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 8:12 AM
To: [email protected]; West, Tobi; Santoyo, Sarah
Subject:Fw: ITDRC

Wanted to share this with you. As you know, when I do the interview with students wanting to participate in the CCAP apprenticeship program, I strongly suggest they get involved with a list of organizations (Infragard, ITDRC, etc.) as a way to network with cybersecurity professionals and build their resume. I'm asking Certification Magazine to accept an article that will relate to ITDRC and want to include our suggestion that apprentices join this volunteer organization.

Given what we've seen on last week's news, I've made the decision to meet the requirements associated with deployment (see attached completion certificates), and with the permission of RSCCD (hence the inclusion of Sarah), seek deployment relative to this recent disaster. I have enough unused vacation leave to do this.


Steve Linthicum, JD, CISSP
Professor Emeritus
Orange County Region Director - Industry Engagement
Information and Communications Technologies / Digital Media
Powered by California Community Colleges
(916) 300-7602
Email: [email protected]

From: Linthicum, Steve
Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 7:51 AM
To: Certification Magazine Editor
Subject:Re: ITDRC

Probably based upon watching the news relating to the Bahamas, this weekend I went through and completed the requirements associated with deployment (see attachments and the email below). I view this as a great opportunity for volunteer service, and those having the IT-related skills need to consider. Hence the reason I'm suggesting writing an article.

Steve Linthicum, JD, CISSP
Professor Emeritus
Orange County Region Director - Industry Engagement
Information and Communications Technologies / Digital Media
Powered by California Community Colleges
(916) 300-7602
Email: [email protected]

From: ITDRC <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 6:35 PM
Subject: ITDRC - Deployment Availability Request - Hurricane Dorian (Bahamas)
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>


We are exploring a deployment to the Bahamas to provide humanitarian assistance to communities impacted by Hurricane Dorian, and calling for a second set of availability submissions.

If you are interested, available, and meet all of the requirements outlined below, please submit your availability for the next 4 weeks through the Deployment Availability form. We will tentatively staff this mission on 10 day rotations for a minimum of 8 weeks, so it is important that you keep your availability updated. If your availability changes after submission, please submit the form again, as your later submission will supersede the previous one.

The following criteria must be met to be eligible for international field deployment:

Registering availability does not guarantee deployment. Stand by for further information from the mobilization team if you are selected for deployment. Deployment selection is determined based on many different factors, including proximity and travel routes to affected area, dates and length of availability, and skillsets required.

NOTE: If you have already registered for our domestic response to Hurricane Dorian, you will need to submit availability for the Bahamas response. Remote support team members will be selected from the domestic availability pool.

Reminder: If you are a part of an employer sponsored team, please check with your program managers before submitting availability.


Looking for online-instructor led or in-person Spokane, WA

Good Morning All,

I am currently looking for an instructor (or multiple instructors) who can teach on ground in Spokane, WA for the CompTIA pathway certs (starting with IT Fundamentals). OR I am looking for online-instructor led CompTIA certs as well, someone who may have developed an online format of classes or is open to developing this. Please direct message me at [email protected].

Thank you,

Alissa Munoz
Operations Manager
Community Colleges of Spokane


I found the following list of podcast resources available from CompTIA that are worth getting the word out about. One of our key efforts with the California Community College Chancellor's Office is to increase the diversity of our IT/cybersecurity workforce. Noting one of the podcasts is titled "Women Techcast", I will be letting faculty in this sector about this resource (and all of the other podcasts). You can access the resources by pointing your browser to:
