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Join EVP John McGlinchey at noon CT to hear about Partner Summit Online!

Join LinkedIn Live today at noon CT to hear EVP, Global Business Development John McGlinchey discuss the upcoming Partner Summit!
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Pearson Vue Revoked Exam

Hi all

Does anyone know what the Appeals Process, for the Online Proctored exams is?
I had an awful experience on Monday. I have taken several exams online in the past but what happened on Monday was completely unacceptable.

I was scheduled to take the TK0-201 exam on Monday. Soon after starting the exam, I scratched below my knee, which meant that my head moved slightly down on the Camera, but NOT away from the webcam view. This must have been for about 1 second or 2. I immediately got a message from the proctor who said “You have moved from webcam view I’m now revoking the exam”. The exam was immediately terminated just like that within 5 Minutes of starting the exam. I then received the email below soon after

“Dear xx,
Thank you for testing with Pearson VUE.
During your recent exam, it was observed and reported that you left the webcam view. In an effort to remind you of this policy, we issued an initial warning to you during your exam. After witnessing this behaviour continue, a supervisor was consulted, who also observed the behaviour. Due to this policy violation, we were unable to continue your testing experience and had to revoke your exam session. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. In order to track and resolve this situation, I have opened the following case xxxxxx, on your behalf. We do encourage you to review the OP testing policies page to ensure you familiarize yourself with all rules and regulations for future exams. If you have any questions, please contact us. You may visit the link https://home.pearsonvue.com/Contact-Us.aspx to locate your program & country-specific contact details.
Thank you,
Customer Support Specialist
Pearson VU”

The shocking thing about all this is that my head and eyes were still on the Camera, I never received any warning, and the exam was just terminated. Over the past few days I have email and called requesting that they review the recording of the session and send me a copy of it as I’m 100% sure that I did not move away from the camera but all this has fallen on deaf ears. I’ve spent a lot of time calling the support centre with no progress. I would hate for any of my students to go through such a situation considering the time and amount of money spent on the exam.

How does one proceed in such a situation? It is a lot of money to lose just like.

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CE or not CE, that is the question.

I just received a 90 Day Reminder Regarding your CompTIA Certification email letting me know that I needed to complete certification hours or retest for one of my certifications.

Having attended so many wonderful TTT and reaping the rewards, I was not sure which Certification it was applying to so I had to go look. Turns out it was my Cloud+ ce certification. It also says N / A under continuing education.

Here is my question (though I think I know the answer): Even though it says "ce" after its name, this is one of the certifications that the only way to renew is to retest on that exam?

Linux+ is the other one on my list. I just successfully retested my CySA+ ce and it renewed some of the others, but not those, which is why I am certain I know the answer already. I am just confused I guess about the "ce" labeling. Now that I think about it, it is probably just to indicate it expires.

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My Observation/Comment/Suggestion on TTT videos.

Quick Observation/Comment/Suggestion on TTT videos.
I only watched a couple of TTT videos and wanted to share my thoughts on the process.
Since we're trying to follow the ILT-CertMaster eLearning system to teach the students, it may be helpful to make the TTT videos to be consistent with the same system. (ie going through the PPT slides/eBook pages/CertMaster pages in sequence, page 1 - ~1200. It'll probably make it easier for the students to follow along as well. I'd appreciate anyone sharing their thought on this. Thank you. Best.

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New Security+: closed beta?

So, we've all been hearing about the upcoming, new Sec+.

Me, I'm pretty excited about the new challenge, especially since I may end up teaching the class. Ssssoooo... are we sure there's no secret closed-beta people could try and get a seat on? ;) I had a blast with the PenTest+, CySA+ and Linux+ beta exams; those were fun!

@Stephen Schneiter has indicated that there's no beta, since the new version "is just an update". But hey, if The Professor says that 601 has 250 new topics compared to 501, that still sounds like a lot of changes that need testing.

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Question SY0-501

Which of the following BEST explains the difference between SaaS. PaaS, and laaS?

A. SaaS solutions offer users a complete computing solution that encompasses the software and underlying infrastructure, while the other cloud approaches offer a partial computing solution.

B. laaS solutions provide users with the interfaces for accessing software applications hosted on a remote platform, while the other cloud approaches require users to develop their own applications.

C. PaaS solutions provide users with ready-made application products that do not require any additional development, while the other cloud approaches require software development before they are useful.

D. SaaS provides a common set of services but not the application products; while PaaS provides the application products but not the common services, and laaS provides Internet connectivity for the customer.

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Locally-Hosted Labs versus Virtual Labs

Hi everyone. I'm a product developer for CompTIA's training products. We're currently doing research on how labs are implemented in various training programs. Currently, our instructor guides come with directions on how to set up computers in the classroom in order to run the lab activities. We also offer a separate product, CompTIA Labs, that can be used in conjunction with the guides to run the lab activities through a virtual lab platform, Learn on Demand Systems.

How are labs run in your organization? Do you use a virtual lab platform like Learn on Demand or do you use locally-hosted machines? What are the benefits and drawbacks to your current setup?
